Feb 17, 2025  
2022-23 Catalog 
2022-23 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ABE 069 - ABE HS21+ English 4

5 Credits
Reviews the fundamentals of English sentence structure, usage and punctuation and provides practice in these areas. Students study and practice writing paragraphs and essays, achieving unity and developing ideas that are clearly and concisely expressed in topic and thesis sentences. Students who pass five credits of ABE 069 with a 2.0 or better will earn credit towards their high school diploma.

Instructor Permission Required Yes

Quarters Typically Offered
Designed to Serve HS21+ students who need to complete their English credits for their high school diploma and who desire to improve their writing and editing skills in order to prepare for college level writing.
Active Date 2015-12-04

Grading Basis Decimal Grade
Class Limit 25
Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
Total Contact Hours 55
Degree Distributions:
Course Outline
Students will move through brainstorming and pre-writing to drafting, revising, editing and proofreading a variety of paragraphs and essays. Out-of-class essay(s) combine with an in-class writing piece and self assessment to form the final portfolio.

Student Learning Outcomes
Write 2-3 page essays that are focused, organized and supported

Edit their writing successfully using the rules of grammar and punctuation of Standard Edited English.

Write paragraphs and essays that utilize a variety of thinking/writing skills toward specific purposes such as description, summary, narration, analysis, among others.

Respond critically and constructively to the essays of published writers and fellow students.

Summarize a piece of reading and respond to it in writing.

Successfully apply ideas and strategies from course readings in their own essays.

Work productively with other students in collaborative groups to discuss readings and review each other’s papers.

Define and avoid plagiarism by distinguishing their own words from those of sources.

Write paragraphs and essays that utilize a variety of thinking/writing skills toward specific purposes such as description, summary, narration, analysis, among others.

Successfully revise their rough drafts with an understanding of focus, organization and support.

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