VICOM 100 - Introduction to Web Design5 Credits Build your own creative and personal interactive website. Learn how to layout images, videos and text to capture audience’s attention.
FeesAcademic Technology Fee Vicom Fee
Quarters Typically Offered Winter Day, Online Designed to Serve Visual Communications and Multimedia students. Any students interested in web design Active Date 20240322T08:25:53
Grading Basis Decimal Grade Class Limit 24 Shared Learning Environment Yes Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Total Contact Hours 55 Degree Distributions: ProfTech Course Yes Restricted Elective Yes PLA Eligible Yes
Course Outline
- Introduction to industry web terminology and site definition
- Purpose of creating a web page (Static vs. interactive)
- Web page design and layout (typography, content, images, color and visual hierarchy)
- Image formatting (size, resolution, and color)
- Embedding video
- Using Web based content management system (CMS)
- Create personal website with a name and live hosting
Student Learning Outcomes Apply the principles of design, color theory, layout, visual hierarchy and interactive interface to a website.
Generate web content for a specific audience.
Format assets for the appropriate applications.
Create a personal live website utilizing a template base content management system.
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