Feb 17, 2025  
2021-22 Catalog 
2021-22 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Getting Started

General Admission Requirements

Admission to Highline College is open to any individual who meets the following criteria:

  1. Is 18 years of age or older; or

  2. Is a high school graduate (diploma or equivalent); or

  3. Is participating in High School Programs (e.g. Running Start)  

Citizens of other countries who wish to apply as international students (non-immigrants) have special admissions requirements. Admission is not limited to those with educational experience, previous academic achievement or any particular citizenship or status. Highline is an open-door college; all are welcome!

Pathways to Highline:

Pre-College Studies, Continuing Education, and International students enter Highline using a different process than the one outlined in this section.

If you meet the above admission requirements, please follow these simple steps to enroll at Highline College:

Apply to Highline


The first step for new students at Highline is to apply for admission through the online application. Once your application has been processed, the Admissions Department will send your welcome letter by email. If you need to change the term you would like to start after you have already applied, you can contact the Admissions Department to update your application.

Former students who are returning to Highline after 12 months must reapply for admission before enrolling in classes. The admission application is used to update the student’s contact information, program, and term activation.   

Decide on a Program of Study


What career choices meet your skills and abilities?  What are you interested in studying?  Unsure?  Our Counseling Center is here to help you!

Plan Ahead for Expenses


We encourage you to consider your budget and resources. Review current information on the Financial Aid  website. Other funding sources may include Workforce Education Services, WorkFirst, Veterans Services, and scholarships.

Activate Your myHighline Account

Getting Started with myHighline

Your myHighline account is your key to Highline. Use it to participate in classes, take myMathTest, receive school communication and pay for parking online.

Assess Your Skills


Most applicants who are new to college studies and intend on earning academic credits need to determine what courses they are eligible for with a placement test or high school transcripts. Placement recommendations will be used for advising and registration purposes. To learn more about placement and assessment options, go to placeandtest.highline.edu 

Get Oriented

To prepare for a successful start, attend an orientation session.  You will meet other students, faculty and staff, get hands-on experience with important online tools and resources, and meet with an academic advisor. For students who have never attended college, this is a required step in the enrollment process. Students in specialized programs including Running Start, International Student Programs, Workforce Education Services, and English as a Second Language must attend a orientation session specific to that program.  For questions and to sign-up for an orientation session, email entryadvising@highline.edu.

Enroll in Classes


All class enrollment takes place in ctcLink.  Find tutorials, documentation and videos at our ctcLink Student Tutorials page.

Gear Up

After you register for classes, get your Student Identification Card from Registration, purchase your books from the Highline Bookstore, and apply for your parking permit.

Pay Tuition and Fees

A payment plan is available. Find payment plan information, a current tuition and fees schedule and important dates and deadlines on the Registration website. Information about residency for tuition purposes is on the Admissions website.

You’re on Your Way!

Make use of resources we offer!  Peruse our website!  Highline offers comprehensive support, services, opportunities and resources. And don’t forget:  degrees and certificates are not awarded automatically! You need to apply for graduation.

**A note on selective admissions: Registered Nursing, Respiratory Care, and BAS Programs require a program specific application process, which includes meeting specific requirements for admission into these programs.