Mar 12, 2025
GEO 210 - Earth Materials 5 Credits Fundamentals of geology with emphasis on physics and chemistry of the solid Earth. Survey of the common rocks and minerals of the Earth’s crust; their formation, identification, and uses. Includes laboratory.
Pre-requisite(s) GEO 101 with min 1.0 and CHEM& 121 or higher with min 1.0 Course Note Formerly GEOL 210 FeesGL SC
Quarters Typically Offered Designed to Serve This is a transfer second level course for geology majors and persons who want to know how to identify rocks and minerals. Active Date 20210403T10:09:03
Grading System Decimal Grade Class Limit 24 Contact Hours: Lecture 44 Lab 22 Total Contact Hours 66 Degree Distributions: AA Course Outline
- Minerals (chemical structure, physical properties, identification)
- Igneous Rocks (igneous processes, forms and nomenclature)
- Sedimentary Rocks (nomenclature, environments)
- Metamorphic Rocks (nomenclature, environments facies)
Student Learning Outcomes Accurately describe the internal structure of minerals, especially silicate minerals, and use this information to predict the physical and chemical properties of those minerals.
Describe chemical, textural, and mineralogical variation in the three rock groups to infer the formation and history of common rocks.
Describe the fundamental relationships between minerals and rocks and the major physical, chemical, and biological processes at work on, and within, the Earth.
Use observations to systematically identify, recognize and describe common minerals and rocks based on their physical properties.
Read complex graphics, use the metric system, create simple x-y plots of data, and use quantitative information to examine course content.
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