Feb 17, 2025
PHYS 139 - General Physics Prep 5 Credits Intended to prepare students for success in calculus based physics series. Emphasis on the development of learning strategies for descriptive and quantitative subject matter. Skill development in writing, problem solving, calculators, proportional math and graphing will be applied to preparatory physics topics, including vectors, math concepts, one and two dimensional kinematics, Newton’s laws of motion, Newton’s laws of universal gravitation, uniform circular motion, work, kinetic energy, potential energy, conservation of energy and power.
Pre-requisite(s) MATH& 141 min 2.0 Placement Eligibility Math 142 Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended. FeesSC
Quarters Typically Offered Summer Day Fall Day Winter Day Spring Day
Designed to Serve Students planning to enroll in Phys 201 Active Date 20210311T08:51:03
Grading System Decimal Grade Class Limit 32 Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Total Contact Hours 55 Degree Distributions: Restricted Elective Yes Course Outline
- Vectors and math concepts
- Kinematics
- Dynamics
- Energy
Student Learning Outcomes Apply the fundamentals of physics to quantitatively and qualitatively solve problems in kinematics, dynamics, and energy.
Apply a structured approach, including dimensional analysis, to problem solving.
Collaborate effectively in applying course specific content to problem-solving, data collection and data analysis.
Effectively communicate, orally and/or in writing, problem solving methods, results, and implications related to the fundamentals of physics.
Accurately implement arithmetic operations, programming, and graphical methods using a graphing calculator.
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