Sep 27, 2024  
2023-24 Catalog 
2023-24 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • MATH 81 - Introduction to Algebra

    5 Credits
    A beginning algebra course that develops proficiency in fraction and signed number arithmetic, evaluation of expressions, and solving linear equations in one variable.

    Placement Eligibility Math 081

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day, Evening, Online
    Winter Day, Online
    Spring Day, Online

    Designed to Serve Students needing a first algebra course.
    Active Date 20170622T08:38:32

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    Course Outline
    - Arithmetic of fractions and signed numbers
    - Evaluation and simplification of expressions
    - Polynomial addition, subtraction, and multiplication
    - Solving linear equations up to the level of ax + b = cx + d
    - Unit conversions
    - Area and perimeter of circles, triangles, and rectangles and volume of boxes
    - Pie, bar and line graphs
    - Summarizing data sets using mean, median, mode, the five-number summary, and histograms or box plots.
    - Emphasis on applying concepts and skills learned to relationships and formulas in everyday life and other college coursework
    - Emphasis on developing quantitative reasoning ability and symbolic reasoning ability

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Describe the meaning of and compute efficiently by hand with basic fractions and signed numbers with an accuracy of 80%.

    Simplify and evaluate a variety of expressions, including polynomials.

    Solve linear equations in one variable up to the level of ax + b = cx + d with 80% accuracy.

    Use dimensional analysis to perform unit conversions within and between the English and metric systems.

    Describe the meaning of and compute dimensions, perimeters, and areas of triangles, circles, and rectangles, as well as the volume of boxes.

    Construct and interpret bar, pie, and line graphs as well as be able to interpret most “newspaper-type” graphs.

    Define measures of center and spread, then use them to summarize meaningful data numerically and graphically.

    Create and use equations and formulas to answer questions about realistic situations.

    Describe and use techniques that improve learning. (This could involve organization, review strategies, notetaking, time management, etc.)

    Describe the reasoning on a task as well as patterns in errors.

  • MATH 84 - Intermediate Algebra Foundations for Soc Sci, Lib Arts & GenEd

    3 Credits

    This class is designed to provide proficiency with mathematical concepts and skills needed in Math 107, Math& 146, Math 180/181.  It focuses on mathematical reasoning and solving of real-life problems. GRAPHING CALCULATOR REQUIRED: TI-84 recommended.

    Pre-requisite(s) Math 81 with min. 2.0
    Placement Eligibility Math 091 or higher
    Course Note GRAPHING CALCULATOR REQUIRED: TI-84 recommended.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Designed to Serve Students needing Math 107, Math 146, Math 180/181 but do not need any other math course having Math 91, 98, 111 or 141 as a prerequisite.  Students transferring to UW should check with an adviser.

    Active Date 20210311T08:50:58

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 33
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    Course Outline

    • Solving linear equations in one variable having many terms, fractional coefficients, and distributing.
    • Solving linear inequalities in one variable (including compound inequalities - or, and, three-part) expressing results with graphs and interval notation.
    • Functions and representations: concept, notation, independent/dependent variable, including exposure to square root, quadratic, absolute value, piecewise.
    • Linear functions: concept, slope, slope intercept form, rates of change, constructing from pairs of points.
    • Linear equations in two variables:  graphing lines (intercepts, slope/y intercept), contextualized constructing equation of lines, point-slope form. 
    • Modeling: linear models, linear regression, including exposure to quadratic regression. 
    • Simplifying expressions with integer exponents (product/quotient), emphasis on calculator entry. 
    • Exponential functions: concept, intercepts
    • Pythagorean theorem and distance formula, including estimating and computing roots of numbers.   
    • Training in use of graphing calculator throughout course to evaluate, graph, trace, zoom, change window, and perform regression.
    • Developing quantitative/symbolic reasoning abilities.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Complete a variety of algebraic tasks: simplify algebraic expressions, solve linear equations and inequalities, working with formulas.

    Define the concepts of function, domain, range, then compute a variety of functions (linear, square root, quadratic, piecewise, absolute value)

    Define, describe, and recognize graphs of functions (linear, square root, quadratic, absolute value), and determine slope, intercepts, and slope- intercept form of linear functions.

    Define, describe and compute features of exponential functions and their graphs.

    Use regression models (linear, quadratic) to model and make statements about realistic situations.

    Recognize and interpret numbers in scientific notation, as well as convert between scientific notation and standard form.

    Use a graphing utility to graph and evaluate a variety of functions, and generate regression functions.

    Describe and use techniques that improve learning.  This will include (but not limited to): reading strategies, notetaking, study groups, error analysis, organization, time management, due date awareness, etc.

    Effectively utilize learning habits and awareness of resources that help students succeed in math courses by reviewing organized binder, homework notes, journal entries, etc.

  • MATH 87 - Essential Intermediate Algebra Corequisite Course for Statistics

    5 Credits
    This class is designed to provide students proficiency with mathematical concepts and skills necessary for understanding statistical concepts and performing statistical processes.  It incorporates resources or strategies that help students succeed in math courses.

    Pre-requisite(s) Math 81 with a 2.0
    Placement Eligibility Math 091 or higher
    Course Note GRAPHING CALCULATOR REQUIRED: TI-84 recommended.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Students needing Math 146 but do not need any other math course having Math 91, 98, 111, or 141 as a prerequisite.  Students intending to transfer to UW should check with an adviser prior to registering for this course.
    Active Date 20190227T14:53:53

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    Course Outline
    • Review essential content/skills from pre- and elementary algebra relevant to statistics: decimals and signed numbers, converting between fractions, decimals, and percents, order of operations, and evaluationg algebraic expressions and formulas.
    • Review Cartesian coordinate system: plot points, graph lines, construct bar/line graphs.
    • Functions: concept, notation, independent/dependent variable, identify appropriate units of measure.
    • Functions: concept, notation, slope, slope intercept form, linear regression.
    • Inequalities: concept, notations, graphing, representing an inequality as an interval on the number line, translating words/phrases to inequality statements, interpretation.
    • Technology training: graphing calculator, other statistical software programs.
    • Essential metacognative strategies: growth mindset, time management, organization, error analysis, self-assessment of learning/understanding, test taking strategies, etc.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Compute, graph, and interpret features of linear functions, including slope, intercepts, and slope-intercept form.

    Translate between and interpret inequalities presented using words, symbols, and portions of the number line.

    Use technology to perform routine computations, construct graphs, and complete statistical tasks involving lists of data and probability distributions.

    Recognize and interpret numbers in scientific notation, as well as convert between scientific notation and standard form.

    Recognize when a graph does not represent a function.

    Interpret and compute with function notation, including statements such as P(X < a) for probability functions of random variables.

    Use techniques that improve learning of statistics. (This could include reading strategies, notetaking, study groups, error analysis, organization, time management, etc.)

  • MATH 91 - Essentials of Intermediate Algebra

    5 Credits
    An intermediate algebra course that develops understanding of functions (linear, exponential, and quadratic) as well as proficiency with simplifying expressions involving integer exponents, solving linear inequalities, and solving linear equations in two variables. GRAPHING CALCULATOR REQUIRED: TI-84 recommended.

    Pre-requisite(s) MATH 081 min 2.0
    Placement Eligibility Math 091 or higher
    Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day, Evening, Online
    Fall Day, Evening, Online
    Winter Day, Evening, Online
    Spring Day, Evening, Online

    Designed to Serve Students needing algebraic skills such as graphing formulas, using and analyzing function relationships.
    Active Date 20170622T08:38:34

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    Course Outline

    1. Solving linear equations in one variable having many terms, fractional coefficients, and distributing
    2. Solving linear inequalities in one variable, and expressing results with graphs and interval notation
    3. Concept and notation of functions, domain, and range, including exposure to absolute value and piecewise functions
    4. Features of functions (max/min, increasing/decreasing, positive/negative, intercepts, rates of change), including using compound inequalities and interval notation to describe them
    5. Linear functions (concept, intercepts, slope, slope-intercept form, constructing from pairs of points, linear regression)
    6. Solving systems of equations in two variables by graphical estimation and the elimination method
    7. Exponential functions (concept, intercepts, asymptotes)
    8. Simplifying expressions involving integer exponents
    9. Division of polynomials by monomials.
    10. Quadratic functions (concept, constructing graphs using intercepts, vertex, and concavity, finding intercepts using the quadratic formula)
    11. The Pythagorean Theorem and distance formulas, including estimating and computing roots of numbers
    12. Emphasis on applying concepts and skills learned to situations in everyday life and other college coursework
    13. Emphasis on developing quantitative reasoning ability and symbolic reasoning ability
    14. Training in use of graphing calculator throughout course to evaluate, graph, trace, zoom, change window, and perform regression

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Complete a variety of algebraic tasks: calculate with radicals, simplify exponential expressions, and solve linear equations, inequalities, systems of linear equations and quadratic equations.

    Define the concepts of function, domain, and range, then compute and describe features of a variety of functions with an 80% accuracy.

    Define,describe and compute features of linear functions and their graphs, including slope, intercepts, and slope-intercept form with an 80% accuracy.

    Define, describe, and compute features of exponential functions and their graphs.

    Define,describe and compute features of quadratic functions and their graphs.

    Use linear, quadratic, and exponential functions to model and make statements about realistic situations.

    Use a graphing calculator to graph and evaluate a varity of functions, as well as generate regression functions.

    Describe and use techniques that improve learning. (This could involve organization, review strategies, notetaking, time management, etc.)

    Describe reasoning on a task as well as patterns in errors..

  • MATH 98 - Intermediate Algebra for Calculus

    5 Credits

    This course will expose students to a variety of algebraic techniques and functions that will prepare them for calculus. Focus will be placed on quadratic, rational, and radical functions with emphasis on algebraic techniques used to combine and simplify them. Techniques will include factoring, simplifying (adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing) polynomials, rational and radical expressions, and relationships between equations and their respective functions and graphs.

    Pre-requisite(s) MATH 091 min 2.0
    Placement Eligibility Math 107, 111, 146, 180, 098
    Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day, Evening
    Fall Day
    Winter Day, Online
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students who expect to take Math 141, 142 (Pre-Calculus I and II).
    Active Date 20170622T08:38:36

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    Course Outline
     I. Algebra 

    • Factor expressions used in Pre-calculus, including quadratics, trinomials, difference of squares, sums and differences of cubes, and polynomials.
    • Combine and simplify expressions using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division for:
      • Rational expressions including complex fractions 
      • Radical expressions with limited variable radicands
      • Expressions with rational exponents
      • Rationalize expressions with monomial/binomial denominators involving only square roots
    • Solve various types of equations with an emphasis on:
      • Quadratic equations involving completing the square, quadratic formula, factoring, and the square root property
      • Rational equations
      • Radical equations involving a maximum of two square roots
    • Solve nonlinear inequalities (polynomial and rational) using sign analysis and express solutions using interval notation and understand the relationship between sign charts and graphs of functions.
    • Combine and simplify complex numbers and convert between radical notation and complex numbers.

    II. Functions-with an emphasis on quadratics, rational, and radical functions

    • For limited types of elementary functions be able to use and interpret functional notation.
    • Determine the domain and range of a variety of functions algebraically and graphically.
    • Determine the x and y intercepts and extrema for elementary functions.
    • Use simple transformations (horizontal, vertical, x-axis rotations) to create graphs of new functions from their basic elementary functions.
    • Determine intervals where a function is increasing/decreasing.
    • Algebraically construct new functions using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

    III. Communication

    • Require initial written self-assessment by students, with periodic revision through quarter.
    • Summarize and interpret mathematical information from written formats. 
    • Identify, extract, and organize critical information into mathematical symbols.
    • Clearly communicate steps using proper terminology, symbolization, and notation.
    • Demonstrate attention to detail-students will be able to analyze written material for errors and explain why they are incorrect.

    IV. Problem solving

    • Create realistic mathematical models for applied problems involving polynomials.
    • Create a suitable quadratic function for modeling a real world situation presented using words, data, or diagram.
    • Identify and justify whether a result generated from a model has real world significance.

    V. Technology-emphasis on graphing calculator

    • Graph functions choosing the appropriate windows for viewing all details.
    • Use the calculator to find intercepts, points of intersection, and extrema for functions.
    • Use the table feature to determine values for functions.
    • Use a graphing calculator for calculating expression containing multiple operations.
    • Emphasize quadratic, rational, and radical functions.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Apply mathematical operations to simplify a variety of mathematical expressions including polynomials, rational, and radical expressions.

    Apply mathematical operations to solve a variety of mathematical equations including polynomials, rational, and radical equations.

    Successfully construct a sign chart for a variety of functions, specifically polynomial and rational, and discuss their relationship to inequalities and graphs.

    Examine key features of important function families-quadratic, rational, and radical functions.

    Recognize, describe, and analyze functional relationships presented symbolically, tabular, graphically and verbally.

    Effectively use graphing calculators to describe and model functions.

    Model situations and relationships using polynomial functions.

    Communicate, summarize, and interpret mathematical ideas in written and verbal form.

  • MATH 111 - College Algebra

    5 Credits
    Applications of functions (linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic) in business and social sciences, including total cost revenue and profit; break-even analysis; supply/demand and market equilibrium; exponential growth and decay; fitting curves to data with graphing utilities; theory of matrices; graphical methods for optimization (linear programming problems); and mathematics of finance (arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums).

    Pre-requisite(s) Math 091 min 2.0
    Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day, Online
    Winter Day, Evening
    Spring Day, Evening

    Designed to Serve General education students and students majoring in business and social science who require skill in quantitative reasoning and critical thinking. In particular, this course is intended to satisfy many schools’ requirement for a college algebra course.
    Active Date 20230320T11:39:32

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    PLA Eligible Yes

    Course Outline

    • Applications of functions (linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic) in business and social sciences: total cost, total revenue, total profit; breakeven analysis; supply/demand and market equilibrium; exponential growth and decay; fitting curves to data with graphing utilities.
    • Theory of matrices applied to business and social science (e.g., inventory and coding).
    • Optimization (linear programming) problems using graphical methods, matrices (Gauss-Jordan elimination), and technology where appropriate
    • Mathematics of finance, including simple and compound interest, future and/or present values of ordinary annuities, loans and amortization)

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Construct, analyze, and interpret linear, quadratic and exponential functions applied to (1) total cost, total revenue, total profit; (2) breakeven analysis; (3) supply/demand and market equilibrium; (4) exponential growth and decay; and (5) fitting curves to data with graphing utilities.

    Accurately describe the important quantities, variables, and relationships (including units of measure) in a given application, using function notation where appropriate.

    Interpret the meaning in everyday language of (1) the breakeven point, (2) function notation, (3) the results of Reduced Row Eschelon form of a matrix, and (4) mathematics of finance.

    Identify elements and dimensions of matrices, perform and interpret the results of matrix operations, including adding and multiply matrices and solving systems of equations.

    Solve optimization (linear programming) problems using graphical methods, matrices, and technology where appropriate.

    Apply geometric sequences to solve finance problems, including solving for future or present value, interest rates, compounding times, lump sums, ordinary annuities and loans.

  • MATH 180 - Number Theory for K-8 Teachers

    5 Credits
    This course guides students in examining the ideas and reasoning underlying the real number system and its associated operations. Students will also study the reasoning behind common and unfamiliar computation algorithms; physical, visual, and symbolic representations of numbers; percentages and proportions; problem solving; and will practice communicating mathematical ideas. Recommended for prospective or practicing K-8 teachers.

    Pre-requisite(s) MATH 091 min 2.0
    Placement Eligibility Math 107, 111, 146, 180, 098

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Winter Day

    Designed to Serve Elementary education majors (especially those completing the Elementary Education DTA), along with interested parents and paraeducators.
    Active Date 2014-02-03

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    Course Outline
    • (Throughout the course) Problem solving 
    • (Throughout the course) Error patterns and reasoning of students learning about numbers and operations 
    • State and national standards for mathematics education
    • Concept of a number
    • Process and features of numeration
    • Structure of numbers (order, divisibility, common multiples/factors)
    • Meaning of basic whole number operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide; exponentiation) 
    • Alternative algorithms for whole number computation 
    • Concept of and arithmetic with decimals 
    • Concept of and arithmetic with fractions
    • Concept of and arithmetic with ratios (rates), percentages, and proportions
    • Concept of and arithmetic with integers
    • Concept of and arithmetic with rational and real numbers
    • (Optional) The use and effects of current technology on teaching and learning mathematics

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Summarize mathematics standards relevant to K-8 students from a variety of sources, such as national (e.g., NCTM) or state standards.

    Apply knowledge about features of our number system to analyze (1) other number systems and (2) common error patterns that arise when children are learning our number system.

    Describe the concept of a whole number as well as relationships between them (order, divisibility, factorization, and common factors/multiples).

    Describe the purpose of basic operations on whole numbers and the concepts underlying these basic operations.

    Represent decimals, fractions, integers, ratios (rates), percentages, and proportions in multiple ways.

    Compare and contrast decimals, fractions, and integers with whole numbers and each other.

    Compare and contrast ratios (rates), percentages, and proportions.

    Compare and contrast the standard algorithms for computing with decimals, fractions, and integers with those for whole numbers.

    Analyze common error patterns in students’ computations and demonstrate how alternative algorithms can reduce those errors.

  • MATH 181 - Geometry for K-8 Teachers

    5 Credits

    This course guides students in examining the ideas and reasoning involved in measurement and Euclidean geometry. Students will also study properties of 2- and 3-dimensional shapes; similarity and congruence; geometric constructions; coordinate geometry; transformations; functions; and will practice communicating mathematical ideas. Topics in probability and statistics will be included if time permits. Recommended for prospective or practicing K-8 teachers. 


    Pre-requisite(s) MATH 091 min 2.0
    Placement Eligibility Math 107, 111, 146, 180, 098

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Elementary education majors, along with interested parents and paraeducators.
    Active Date 20210403T10:09:21

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:

    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    Course Outline
    • (Throughout the course) Problem solving
    • State and national standards for mathematics education
    • Features and classification of two- and three-dimensional shapes (optional: van Hiele levels)
    • Concept and conversion of units of measurement, including angle measures
    • Concepts and calculation of length, area, surface area, and volume, including estimation of these for curved objects
    • Construction of geometric objects via straightedge and compass
    • Concepts of similarity and congruence, including their role in geometric proofs
    • Concept and use of coordinates in describing geometric features such as distance and slope (analytic geometry)
    • Concept and use of transformations in tilings, proofs, and problem solving
    • Concept and categories of functions
    • (Optional) The use and effects of current technology on teaching and learning mathematics
    • (Optional) Probability concepts and calculations involving the additive, multiplicative, and fundamental counting properties as well as mutually exclusive and compound events
    • (Optional) Statistics concepts including organization and representation of data, as well as measures of center and spread

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Define the features of 2- and 3-dimensional shapes, and use those features to define and classify a variety of shapes.

    Describe and use various measurement systems, including comparing various forms of measurement such as English, metric, and nonstandard units.

    Define the concepts of length, area, surface area, and volume, then compute them for a variety of 2-D and 3-D shapes.

    Use a straightedge and compass to construct 2-D shapes, then use constructions to demonstrate and justify geometric relationships.

    Describe conditions for congruence and similarity of triangles, then use those concepts to prove or justify geometric claims.

    Describe distance, circles, slope, and perpendicularity both with and without a coordinate system or algebra.

    Define, recognize, and apply basic isometries (rigid motions) and dilations in two-dimensional shapes.

    Communicate effectively orally and in writing about the concepts and techniques of the course.

    Demonstrate knowledge of some geometry learning outcomes in state and national math standards.

    Support or refute claims by making logical arguments involving geometric concepts and techniques.

  • MATH 189 - Math Tutor Training

    1 Credits
    Instruction in methodologies for tutoring mathematics for tutors in the Math Resource Center.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note This course is for math tutors only.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Math tutors tutoring for the Math Resource Center
    Active Date 20210403T10:09:21

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 25
    Contact Hours: Lecture 11
    Total Contact Hours 11
    Degree Distributions:
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    • Orientation to the Math Resource Center
    • Best tutoring practices
    • Effective questioning and listening techniques
    • Learning styles
    • Learning disabilities
    • Tutoring in a multi-cultural environment
    • Tutoring math specific content
    • Coping with difficult tutoring situations

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate the ability to develop successful strategies that help others simplify and solve mathematical problems.

    Discuss appropriate strategies for a variety of tutoring situations including difficult or unfamiliar math content and unusual and difficult tutoring situations.

    Evaluate personal performance on effectiveness of existing tutoring strategies with ideas for further development.

    Effectively use appropriate communication and questioning techniques while tutoring.

    Be able to conduct oneself professionally and follow MRC policies and guidelines as listed in the MRC Tutoring Manual.

  • MATH 220 - Linear Algebra

    5 Credits
    Introduction to Linear Algebra: Row operation, matrix algebra; vector spaces, orthogonality, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, projections, linear transformations and their matrix representations, rank, similarity; determinants; eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and least squares.

    Pre-requisite(s) MATH& 152 min 2.0
    Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended. Math& 163 recommended.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Transfer students in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences
    Active Date 20230328T10:34:10

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    PLA Eligible Yes

    Course Outline

    • Gaussian elimination, matrix algebra, elementary matrices.
    • Vector spaces, geometric vectors, subspaces, bases, linear independence/dependence, dimension.
    • Vector product spaces, orthogonality, Gram-Schmidt process, orthogonal projections.
    • Linear transformations and their matrix representations, change of basis, similarity.
    • Properties of determinants, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, eigenspaces.
    • Applications; data fitting, least squares.
    • Emphasis: Mathematical proof (reading, understanding, and writing).

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Solve systems using Gauss-Jordan elimination.

    Identify and orthogonalize the basis of a vector space.

    Apply matrix methods to model a data set using least squares regression.

    Calculate and interpret the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.

    Identify, create, and apply linear transformations using matrix methods.

    Construct a mathematical proof.

  • MATH 230 - Differential Equations

    5 Credits
    Analytic methods for solving first order and higher order ordinary differential equations (ODE), including series solutions, Laplace transforms, Euler’s method, modeling applications and systems of differential equations.

    Pre-requisite(s) MATH& 152 min 2.0
    Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Designed to Serve Transfer students in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences
    Active Date 20230328T10:34:12

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    PLA Eligible Yes

    Course Outline

    • Linear and non-linear first order Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs).
    • Euler’s Method.
    • Applications of first order ODEs.
    • Higher order linear ODEs.
    • Applications of Higher Order ODEs.
    • Power series methods.
    • Laplace Transforms.
    • Systems of differential equations.
    • Note: Some basic facts about systems of linear equations, determinants,series, sequences, and linear algebra will be developed in the course.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Classify differential equations and solve first and higher order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) using appropriate analytical methods.

    Solve applications employing first and higher order ODEs.

    Solve initial-value ODEs using Laplace Transforms and other techniques.

    Use power series about ordinary points to solve ODEs.

    Apply Euler’s Method to approximate solutions to initial value problems.

    Solve systems of linear first-order ODEs.

  • MATH 291 - Special Studies

    1 Credits
    Study project developed by the student and instructor in an area approved by the instructor. Honor options are available.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Any student who would like to explore an area of mathematics not covered or partially covered in a math course.
    Active Date 20210403T10:09:22

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Independent Study Yes
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 99
    Contact Hours: Lecture 11
    Total Contact Hours 11
    Degree Distributions:
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Students will complete a given math project that conforms to pre-designated requirements and exhibits a degree of mastery in the chosen math area.

  • MATH 292 - Special Studies

    2 Credits
    Study project developed by the student and instructor in an area approved by the instructor. Honor options are available.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Any student who would like to explore an area of mathematics not covered or partially covered in a math course.
    Active Date 20210403T10:09:22

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Independent Study Yes
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 99
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Students will complete a given math project that conforms to pre-designated requirements and exhibits a degree of mastery in the chosen math area.

  • MATH 293 - Special Studies

    3 Credits
    Study project developed by the student and instructor in an area approved by the instructor. Honor options are available.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Any student who would like to explore an area of mathematics not covered or partially covered in a math course.
    Active Date 20210403T10:09:23

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Independent Study Yes
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 99
    Contact Hours: Lecture 33
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Students will complete a given math project that conforms to pre-designated requirements and exhibits a degree of mastery in the chosen math area.

  • MATH 294 - Special Studies

    4 Credits
    Study project developed by the student and instructor in an area approved by the instructor. Honor options are available.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Any student who would like to explore an area of mathematics not covered or partially covered in a math course.
    Active Date 20210403T10:09:23

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Independent Study Yes
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 99
    Contact Hours: Lecture 44
    Total Contact Hours 44
    Degree Distributions:
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Students will complete a given math project that conforms to pre-designated requirements and exhibits a degree of mastery in the chosen math area.

  • MATH 295 - Special Studies

    5 Credits
    Study project developed by the student and instructor in an area approved by the instructor. Honor options are available.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Any student who would like to explore an area of mathematics not covered or partially covered in a math course.
    Active Date 20210403T10:09:24

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Independent Study Yes
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 99
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Students will complete a given math project that conforms to pre-designated requirements and exhibits a degree of mastery in the chosen math area.

  • MATH& 107 - Math in Society

    5 Credits

    This course exposes students to a wide variety of topics in which mathematical knowledge or reasoning can help them understand the complex systems which affect them in today’s technological society. The topics include proportional reasoning, descriptive statistics, probability, growth models (linear and exponential growth) and personal finance. Additional topics covered may differ between sections but can include voting theory, apportionment, fair division, symmetry, or scheduling. 


    Pre-requisite(s) MATH 091 min 2.0
    Placement Eligibility Math 107, 111, 146, 180, 098
    Course Note Scientific calculator required.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day, Online
    Winter Day, Online
    Spring Day, Online

    Designed to Serve Students needing credits for their Natural Science distribution or to meet a quantitative skills requirement.  Designed to serve students in liberal arts and humanities majors who benefit from a course that provides a solid foundation in the quantitative reasoning, symbolic reasoning, and critical thinking needed for engaged citizenship.

    Active Date 20210403T10:09:24

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:

    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    Course Outline
    • Growth Models (linear and exponential)
    • Personal Finance
    • Descriptive Statistics
    • Probability 
    • A minimum of 3 topics from the following:
      • Voting systems
      • Fair Division
      • Apportionment
      • Euler Circuits


    Student Learning Outcomes
    Students will read a complex problem requiring quantitative and/or symbolic analysis, use flexibility in selecting a solution strategy, and impose an appropriate mathematical structure or mathematical procedure in solving the problem.

    Students will determine the reasonableness and implications of mathematical solutions, and will recognize the limitations of the methods used in context.

    Students will apply mathematical processes and solutions in making personal and societal choices.

    Student will use appropriate representations to effectively communicate, orally and in writing, quantitative results and mathematical processes.

  • MATH& 141 - Pre Calculus I

    5 Credits

    Prepares students for the calculus sequence. Real-valued functions, including techniques for graphing polynomial, rational, piecewise, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Also includes circles, basic function properties, nonlinear inequalities, and complex numbers.

    Pre-requisite(s) MATH 098 min 2.0

    Placement Eligibility Math 141
    Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day, Evening, Online
    Winter Day, Evening
    Spring Day, Evening

    Designed to Serve Transfer students in mathematics, engineering and the sciences
    Active Date 20170622T08:38:37

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:

    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    PLA Eligible Yes

    Course Outline
    The course is organized into five strands:

    I. Algebra:

    • Solve nonlinear inequalities (polynomial and rational) using sign analysis and express solutions using interval notation and understand the relationship between sign charts and graphs of functions.
    • Put the general equation of a circle into standard form and sketch graph.
    • Solve various types of equations: 
      • Quadratic equations
      • Rational equations
      • Polynomial equations
      • Exponential equations
      • Logarithmic equations
    • Combine and expand logarithmic expressions using the properties of logs.
    • Solve equations algebraically using properties of exponents and logarithms.
    • Perform long division and synthetic division of polynomials.

    II. Functions-with an emphasis on piecewise, rational, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions.

    • For limited types of elementary functions be able to use and interpret functional notation.
    • Determine the domain and range of a variety of functions algebraically and graphically.
    • Determine the difference quotient for polynomial and rational functions.
    • Determine the absolute and/or local extrema for elementary functions.
    • Use simple transformations (horizontal, vertical, x & y-axis rotations) to create graphs of new functions from their basic elementary functions.
    • Determine intervals where a function is increasing/decreasing/constant emphasis put on polynomial, rational, piecewise, exponential, and logarithms.
    • Algebraically construct new functions using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and composition (as well as simplifying the result).
    • Determine and interpret the average rate of change in a function.
    • For rational functions a student will be able to:
      • calculate x and y intercepts
      • calculate horizontal, vertical, and oblique asymptotes
      • calculate holes
      • sketch the graph o determine the domain and range
    • For polynomial functions a student will be able to:
      • sketch or describe the possible shape of a polynomial function of degree n including:
        • 1. the number of turning points
        • 2. number of possible real and complex roots and be able to find them by factoring or rational root theorem
        • 3.  end behavior
        • 4. determine the domain and range
    • For piecewise functions a student will be able to: 
      • sketch by hand
      • determine the domain and range
      • identify various discontinuities
    • For logarithmic and exponential functions a student will be able to:
      • calculate any vertical/horizontal asymptotes
      • determine the domain and range
      • calculate any x or y intercepts

    III. Communication

    • Summarize and interpret mathematical information from written formats.
    • Identify, extract, and organize critical information into mathematical symbols.
    • Clearly communicate steps using proper terminology, symbolization, and notation.
    • Demonstrate attention to detail-students will be able to analyze written material for errors and explain why they are incorrect.

    IV. Problem solving

    • Create realistic mathematical models for applied problems involving exponential, logarithmic, and polynomial functions.
    • Create a suitable quadratic function for modeling a real world situation presented using words, data, or diagram.
    • Identify and justify whether a result generated from a model has real world significance.

    V. Technology-emphasis on graphing calculator

    • Graph functions choosing the appropriate windows for viewing all details.
    • Effectively use the zoom in/out feature.
    • Use the calculator to find intercepts, points of intersection, and extrema for functions.
    • Use the table feature to determine values for functions.
    • Use the function feature on calculator to calculate multiple average rates of change.
    • Use a graphing calculator to evaluate logarithms of base 10 or e as well as utilizing the change of base formula.
    • Emphasize graphing rational, polynomial, logarithmic, and exponential functions.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Recognize, describe, and analyze key features (domain, range, intercepts, holes, asymptotes) of important function families-polynomial, rational, piece-wise, exponential, and logarithmic functions.

    Given the graphical or algebraic representation of a function a student will be able to state and sketch a transformation of the function and determine the domain and range of the transformed function.

    Apply appropriate algebraic methods to find domain, intercepts, and asymptotes (where applicable) to a variety of functions including polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions.

    Identify and produce composite and inverse functions as well as graph a function and its inverse.

    Identify key features of circles and sketch their graphs from equations in general and standard form.

    Apply mathematical operations to solve polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic equations.

    Apply course concepts to solve real world problems.

    Communicate, summarize, and interpret mathematical ideas in written and verbal form.

    Effectively use graphing calculators to describe and graph circles and a variety of functions including rational, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions.

  • MATH& 142 - Precalculus II

    5 Credits

    Prepares students for calculus sequence. Concepts, properties and algebra of trigonometric functions, including their graphs, inverses, laws of sines and cosines, identities and equations. Also covers vectors, polar coordinates and conic sections.

    Pre-requisite(s) MATH& 141 min 2.0

    Placement Eligibility Math 142
    Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day, Evening
    Winter Day, Online
    Spring Day, Evening

    Designed to Serve Transfer students in mathematics, engineering and the sciences
    Active Date 20170622T08:38:39

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:

    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    PLA Eligible Yes

    Course Outline
    The course is organized into five strands:

    I. Algebra

    • Angles and their unit of measure.
    • Convert radian to degree measures and vice versa.
    • The unit circle, reference number (angle), co-terminal angles.
    • Verify identities and use identities to simplify trigonometric expressions.
    • Solve trigonometric equations.
    • Polar coordinates:
      • Change points and equations from polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates and vice versa.
      • Graph points and equations in polar coordinates.
    • Analyze vectors from geometric as well as analytic perspective and perform addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication, magnitude and dot product on vectors.
    • Express conics in standard form and graph.

    II. Trigonometric Functions

    • Define trigonometric functions using right triangles and differentiate between approximate and exact values.
    • Find values of the six trigonometric functions for angles using the trigonometric values of special angles.
    • Graphing trigonometric functions by understanding and using:
      • Domain/Range
      • Period
      • Amplitude and phase shifts
      • Intercepts
    • Describe inverse trigonometric functions along with their domain, range and graphs.

    III. Communication

    • Summarize and interpret mathematical information from written formats.
    • Identify, extract, and organize critical information into mathematical symbols.
    • Clearly communicate steps using proper terminology, symbolization, and notation.
    • Demonstrate attention to detail-students will be able to analyze written material for errors and explain why they are incorrect.

    IV. Problem solving

    • Find arc length and area of a sector.
    • Understand the difference between angular speed and linear speed.
    • Solve triangles using trigonometric functions.
    • Use vectors to solve static equilibrium and resultant force problems.

    V. Technology-emphasis on graphing calculator

    • Graph trigonometric functions in rectangular coordinates choosing the appropriate windows for viewing all details.
    • Graph polar equations in polar coordinate system.
    • Use calculators to approximate values of trigonometric functions and inverse trigonometric functions using radian and degree mode.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Recognize and describe trigonometric functions for the unit circle and points in the rectangular coordinate system.

    Apply appropriate trigonometric functions and their inverses to find angles or lengths involving right triangles.

    Recognize, describe, and analyze key features of trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions.

    Apply law of sines and law of cosines to solve real-life situations involving non-right triangles.

    Apply trigonometric identities and algebraic techniques to simplify trigonometric expressions.

    Solve trigonometric equations.

    Use basic concepts of algebraic and geometric vectors to solve elementary vector problems involving trigonometry.

    Identify and graph polar functions and convert between polar and rectangular form.

    Analyze and graph equations of conic sections.

    Effectively use the graphing calculator to graph trigonometric and polar functions and solve trigonometric and vector equations.

  • MATH& 146 - Introduction to Statistics

    5 Credits
    Descriptive methods; basic statistical vocabulary and symbols; sampling techniques; probability and probability distributions; and inferential methods including confidence intervals and hypothesis testing emphasizing applications to social science and nursing.

    Pre-requisite(s) MATH 091 or MATH 087 with min 2.0
    Placement Eligibility Math 107, 111, 146, 180, 098
    Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day, Evening, Online
    Fall Day, Evening, Online
    Winter Day, Evening, Online
    Spring Day, Evening, Online

    Designed to Serve Students of all interests requiring an introductory statistics course, including social science, business, and nursing majors.
    Active Date 20201105T14:51:20

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    Course Outline
    Nature of statistics Sampling techniques Descriptive statistics Elements of probability Inferential statistics: probability distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing (may include population proportions, chi-square distributions) Correlation and regression

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Communicate effectively, in written and verbal form, using basic statistical vocabulary and symbols.

    Identify and explain appropriate experimental design and sampling techniques for statistical studies

    Organize, summarize, represent, and interpret data, using technology where appropriate

    Create and evaluate the suitability of linear models for a data set, and interpret its meaning in everyday language

    Compute empirical and theoretical probabilities represented in words, symbols, contingency tables, and probability distributions.

    Apply statistical methods to make inferences about population parameters based on sample statistics (e.g., confidence intervals, hypothesis testing).

  • MATH& 148 - Business Calculus

    5 Credits
    A survey of topics in differential and integral calculus, emphasizing application to business management and social sciences.

    Pre-requisite(s) MATH 111 min 2.0 or MATH& 141 min 2.0
    Placement Eligibility Math 148
    Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day, Evening

    Designed to Serve Students in business management and social sciences requiring calculus.
    Active Date 20170622T08:38:41

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    PLA Eligible Yes

    Course Outline
    2. Average and instantaneous rates of change.
    3.The derivative as a slope of a tangent line and rate of change.
    4. Computing derivatives using the limit definition (linear and quadratic only).
    5. Computing derivatives using differentiation formulas (polynomial, exponential, logarithmic), including higher order derivatives.
    6. Applications of the derivative to business and social science (e.g., marginal cost, marginal revenue, marginal profit, elasticity of demand, optimization).
    7. Computing antiderivatives.
    8. Definite integrals, exact and approximate using at least one numerical method.
    9.The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
    10. Applications of integration to business and social sciences.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Evaluate the limit of a function at a point, including limit as x approaches infinity and one-side limits, using graphical, numerical or algebraic methods.

    Compute and interpret the average rate of change of a function over a closed interval from a symbolic, graphical, or tabular representation of a function.

    Compute and interpret the instantaneous rate of change of a function analytically or from a graphical representation of a function.

    Compute the derivative of a function using the limit definition (linear and quadratic functions only) and derivative rules: power, constant multiple, sum and difference, product, quotient, chain, exponential, and logarithmic.

    Apply the concepts, techniques and vocabulary of limits, continuity, and first and second derivatives to solve problems in contexts such as marginal analysis, product elasticity, related rates, point of diminishing return, exponential growth/decay and optimization.

    Accurately describe the important quantities, variables, and relationships (including units of measure) in a given application, using function notation appropriately.

    Determine anti-derivatives of simple algebraic and exponential functions.

    Determine the values (exact or approximate, as appropriate) of definite integrals using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and areas, including at least one numerical method.

    Apply the ideas of definite and indefinite integrals to solve problems in contexts such as total change/accumulation, consumer and producer surplus, exponential growth and decay, etc.

  • MATH& 151 - Calculus I

    5 Credits
    Differential Calculus. Topics include limits and derivatives, with an emphasis on the calculation and application of derivatives for algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Concludes with an introduction to antiderivatives.

    Pre-requisite(s) MATH& 142 min 2.0
    Placement Eligibility Math 151
    Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day, Evening
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Transfer students in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences.
    Active Date 20190626T13:17:48

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    PLA Eligible Yes

    Course Outline

    • Limits: Limits, continuity, L’Hospital’s Rule, and indeterminant forms
    • Derivatives: algebraic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, and higher derivatives. Also logarithmic and implicit differentiation
    • Curve sketching using the techniques of calculus
    • Introduction to antiderivatives
    • Applications: finding extrema, optimization problems, and related rates
    • Numerical methods: differentials and Newton’s method
    • Important theorems: the Mean Value Theorem, Extreme Value Theorem, and Intermediate Value Theorem

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Evaluate limits and interpret their meaning.

    Determine the continuity of functions and justify reasoning using the formal definition.

    Differentiate using the definition.

    Differentiate a variety of functions using rules (power, chain, product, quotient, etc.).

    Construct graphs of functions using calculus, by finding local extremes, inflection points, and asymptotes.

    Compute numerical approximations using Newton’s Method and differentials.

    Set up and solve applications, including optimization and related rates.

    Compute elementary antiderivatives.

  • MATH& 152 - Calculus II

    5 Credits

    Integral Calculus. Topics include indefinite and definite integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, applications, techniques of integration, and an introduction to differential equations.

    Pre-requisite(s) MATH& 151 min 2.0
    Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day
    Winter Day, Evening
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Transfer students in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences
    Active Date 2016-05-04

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    PLA Eligible Yes

    Course Outline
    • The definite integral as a limit of Riemann sums
    • The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
    • Evaluate definite, indefinite, and improper integrals
    • Integration techniques
    • Applications of integrals: areas, volumes, and arc length
    • Applications of integration to physics: work, hydrostatic pressure (optional), and centroids and moments
    • Introduction to differential equations
    • Numerical methods: Riemann sums, the trapezoidal rule, and Simpson’s rule


    Student Learning Outcomes
    Apply the definition of the Riemann integral to construct definite integrals and find areas.

    Evaluate indefinite, definite, and improper integrals using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

    Set up and solve applications, including areas, volumes, surface area, arc length, work, and centroids using the techniques of integration.

    Classify and evaluate integrals using techniques of integration (substitution, integration by parts, partial fractions, etc.).

    Approximate definite integrals using Midpoint, Trapezoidal, and Simpson's Rules.

    Solve separable differential equations.

  • MATH& 163 - Calculus III

    5 Credits

    Third quarter of the Calculus sequence. Topics include lines, planes and vectors in R3, the calculus of parametric equations and vector-valued functions, power and Taylor series expansions, partial derivatives and gradients, and an introduction to double integrals.

    Note:  Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended

    Pre-requisite(s) MATH& 152 min 2.0
    Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Transfer students in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences.
    Active Date 20230320T11:39:36

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:

    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    PLA Eligible Yes

    Course Outline

    • Calculus with parametric equations and vector valued functions.
    • Introduction to vectors and the geometry of lines, planes, and quadric surfaces.
    • Power and Taylor series.
    • Partial derivatives and gradients.
    • Introduction to double integrals.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Accurately compute equations of lines and planes.

    Correctly solve applications of space curves, including arc length, curvature, and the tangential and normal components of acceleration.

    Accurately compute numerical approximations using linearization of functions of several variables.

    Determine domain and level curves for functions of several variables.

    Calculate gradients, partial, and directional derivatives for functions of several variables and interpret their meaning.

    Construct and evaluate double integrals in rectangular coordinates.

    Compute numerical approximations using linearization of functions of several variables.

  • MATH& 264 - Calculus IV

    5 Credits
    Fourth quarter of the Calculus sequence. Topics include the calculus of polar functions, sequences, infinite series, double and triple integrals in multiple coordinate systems, line and surface integrals, Green’s Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem, and the Divergence Theorem.

    Pre-requisite(s) MATH& 153 or MATH& 163 min 2.0
    Course Note Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Transfer students in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences
    Active Date 20230328T10:34:15

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    PLA Eligible Yes

    Course Outline

    • Calculus with polar coordinates
    • Infinite sequences and series
    • Double and triple integrals
    • Line integrals: Green’s Theorem and Stokes’ Theorem
    • Surface integrals: the Divergence Theorem
    • Numerical methods: Approximating infinite series
    • Applications: Area, volume, and surface area
    • Applications to physics: Moments and centroids, work, and flux

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Construct graphs and calculate areas and arclengths for polar curves.

    Apply convergence tests to determine if infinite series converge.

    Construct and evaluate double integrals in the polar coordinate systems.

    Construct and evaluate triple integrals in rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems.

    Construct and evaluate line and surface integrals.

    Apply the Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals, Green’s, Stokes’, and the Divergence theorems to evaluate line and surface integrals.

    Determine if vector fields are conservative and independent of path and interpret what this says about vector fields.

    Solve applications, including average value of a function, volumes, areas, centroids, work, and flux.

  • MATHP 111 - College Algebra Plus Extra Support

    10 Credits

    This is a 10-credit class for students who need Math 111 and place slightly below.  It covers applications of functions (linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic) in business and social sciences, including total cost revenue and profit; break-even analysis; supply/demand and market equilibrium; exponential growth and decay; fitting curves to data with graphing utilities; theory of matrices; graphical methods for optimization (linear programming problems); and mathematics of finance (arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums). It offers extra time and support for assignments and learning. Earns 5 credits for Math 91 and 5 credits for Math 111.

    Pre-requisite(s) Math 081 with 2.0 min
    Placement Eligibility Math 091 or higher

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day
    Fall Day, Evening
    Winter Day, Evening
    Spring Day, Evening

    Designed to Serve This course is designed for students who need Math 111, are eligible for Math 91, and who do not need any other math course having Math 98 as a prerequisite.  It offers extra time and support for assignments and learning in Math 111.
    Active Date 20201209T10:03:35

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 110
    Total Contact Hours 110
    Degree Distributions:
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    ProfTech Related Instruction
    • Computation

    Course Outline
    Applications of functions (linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic) in business and social sciences: total cost, total revenue, total profit; breakeven analysis; supply/demand and market equilibrium; exponential growth and decay; fitting curves to data with graphing utilities.

    Theory of matrices applied to business and social science (e.g., inventory and coding).

    Optimization (linear programming) problems using graphical methods, matrices (Gauss-Jordan elimination), and technology where appropriate.

    Mathematics of finance, including simple and compound interest, future and/or present values of ordinary annuities, loans, and amortization

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Construct, analyze, and interpret linear, quadratic and exponential functions applied to (1) total cost, total revenue, total profit; (2) break-even analysis; (3) supply/demand and market equilibrium; (4) exponential growth and decay; and (5) fitting curves to data with graphing utilities.

    Accurately describe the important quantities, variables, and relationships (including units of measure) in a given application, using function notation where appropriate.

    Interpret the meaning in everyday language of (1) the breakeven point, (2) function notation, (3) the results of Reduced Row Echelon form of a matrix, and (4) mathematics of finance.

    Identify elements and dimensions of matrices, perform, and interpret the results of matrix operations, including adding and multiply matrices and solving systems of equations.

    Solve optimization (linear programming) problems using graphical methods, matrices, and technology where appropriate.

    Apply geometric sequences to solve finance problems, including solving for future or present value, interest rates, compounding times, lump sums, ordinary annuities, and loans.

  • MATHP 141 - Precalculus I Plus Extra Support

    10 Credits
    This is a 10-credit class for students going into STEM programs needing Math&141 and place slightly below. This course includes, but not limited to piece-wise, composite, inverse, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Also discussed are properties of functions, their relationship to equations and inequalities, as well as applications, and circles. Earns 5 credits for Math 098 and 5 credits for Math&141.

    Pre-requisite(s) Math 091 with min 2.6
    Placement Eligibility Math 107, 111, 146, 180, 098

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve This course is designed for students needing Math 141 that place into Math 098 or have successfully completed an intermediate algebra course and have completed Math 091 with a 2.6 or higher. This is a class for students who want or need extra time and support in taking Math 141.  
    Active Date 20201105T14:51:21

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 110
    Total Contact Hours 110
    Degree Distributions:
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    Course Outline
    • Evaluate functions using function notation including difference quotient for a variety of functions
    • Use transformations to create graphs of new functions from elementary ones.
    • Algebraically construct new functions using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, composition, and inverses.
    • Perform long division and synthetic division of polynomials.
    • Evaluate, graph, and analyze behavior of a variety of functions (including polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic)
    • Solve nonlinear inequalities (polynomial and rational) using sign analysis and describe relationship with graphs of functions.
    • Simplify expressions involving logarithms using properties and laws of logarithms.
    • Solve equations using properties of exponents and logarithms.
    • Create and apply realistic mathematical models for problems involving exponential, logarithmic, and polynomial functions.
    • Put the equation of a circle into standard form and sketch graph.
    • Use graphing calculator and/or other programs to evaluate, graph, and analyze behavior of functions (including polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic)
    • Communicate steps clearly using proper terminology, symbolization, and notation.
    • Demonstrate attention to detail including analyzing and describing errors in work.
    • Create awareness of metacognitive strategies focused on growth mindset, time management, organization, error analysis, self-assessment of learning/understanding, test taking strategies, etc.
    • Students are introduced to resources and learning habits that help success in math (including paying attention to detail and demonstrating intellectual engagement)

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Recognize, describe, and analyze key features (domain, range, intercepts, and asymptotes) of important function families-polynomial, rational, piece-wise, exponential, and logarithmic functions.

    Given the graphical or algebraic representation of a function a student will be able to state and sketch a transformation of the function and determine the domain and range of the transformed function.

    Apply approrpiate algebraic methods to find domain, intercepts, and asymptotes (where applicable) to a variety of functions including polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions.

    Identify and produce composite and inverse functions as well as graph a function and its inverse.

    Identify key features of circles and sketch their graphs from equations in general and standard form.

    Apply mathematical operations to solve polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic equations.

    Solve real world problems using techniques discussed in this course.

    Communicate, summarize, and interpret mathematical ideas in written and verbal form.

    Effectively use graphing calculators to describe and graph circles and a variety of functions including rational, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions.

    Describe and use techniques that improve learning (including effective reading and note taking strategies, studying together, time management, organization or work, paying attention to detail, and error analysis).

  • MATHP 146 - Introduction to Statistics Plus Extra Support

    10 Credits
    This is a 10-credit class for students who need Math 146 and place slightly below.  It covers descriptive methods; sampling techniques; probability distributions; and inferential methods including confidence intervals and hypothesis testing emphasizing applications to social science and nursing.  It offers extra time and support for assignments and learning. Earns 5 credits for Math 87 and 5 credits for Math 146.

    Pre-requisite(s) Math 081 min 2.0
    Placement Eligibility Math 091 or higher
    Course Note Note: Graphing Calculator Required; TI-84 recommended.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve This course is designed for students needing to take Math 146, eligible for Math 91 and who do not need any other math course having Math 91, 98, 111, or 141 as a prerequiste.  It is a class for students who want or need extra time and support in taking Math 146.
    Active Date 20190227T14:52:55

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 32
    Contact Hours: Lecture 110
    Total Contact Hours 110
    Degree Distributions:
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science

    Course Outline
    n/a since this is a place holder and students who enroll in this are put into Math 146 and Math 087

    Student Learning Outcomes
    n/a since this is a place holder and students who enroll in this are put into Math 146 and Math 087

Multimedia Design

  • MMD 101 - Digital Storytelling/Scriptwriting (T)

    5 Credits
    Students will learn to take ideas from concept to pre-production storyboard and script. Audience analysis to understand the impact of, and to best reach diverse, global audiences will be covered. Students will study writing styles, methods of organizing multimedia designs, scripts, copyright law and intellectual property. Leveraging social and collaborative media will be addressed as well.


    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve MMD Students
    Active Date 2015-05-04

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 24
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    ProfTech Course Yes
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    Audience and user analysis

    Global audiences/diversity in audiences

    Analyzing goals of a multimedia production

    Fostering interactivity

    Conceptual designs of multimedia products

    Writing content for interactive media

    Levering social/collaborative media

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Students will be able to explain the impact of audience and social media on a production

    Develop linear and nonlinear stories, incorporating techniques for fostering interactivity.

    Create storyboards and scripts for use in shoots and web site content development.

    Analyze client ideas and goals and translate them into pre-production documentation.

  • MMD 110 - Multimedia Production

    5 Credits
    This course focuses on the foundations of digital filmmaking and multimedia production through single camera operation and composition, sound design, lighting techniques, and incorporating computer animation and graphics. Students will apply artistic elements in digital cinematography and post-production software suites with emphasis of narrative storytelling.

    FeesCF AD

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve MMD Students
    Active Date 20200330T21:16:02

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 24
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    ProfTech Course Yes
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    • Production planning
    • Basic audio techniques
    • Basic lighting techniques
    • Set/location set up
    • Logging and post-production

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Conduct a shoot that results in high-quality video and audio for further editing.

    Operate digital video and audio editing software to process captured media.

    Perform basic post-production tasks, including logging and basic edits, to create a useful rough cut.

    Communicate with clients and colleagues effectively.

  • MMD 115 - Multimedia Production and Editing II (M)

    5 Credits
    This course covers advanced techniques for digital video and audio production. Students will learn lighting and proper audio capture for studio and location shoots, advanced techniques and camera management. Post-production techniques, editing, adding graphics and overlays, managing media, and other skills will be covered. Client and talent management and production planning will also be covered.

    Pre-requisite(s) MMD 110

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve MMD Students
    Active Date 2015-05-04

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 24
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    ProfTech Course Yes
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    Production planning

    Client and talent management

    Audio and lighting in a variety of settings

    Set/location set up

    Media Management

    Editing and post-production

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Conduct a moderately complicated shoot that results in high-quality video and audio for further editing.

    Operate digital video and audio editing software to implement a variety of editing techniques.

    Perform post-production editing to create a final product.

    Communicate with clients, talent and colleagues effectively.

    Translate a script/storyboard into a production/shoot plan.

  • MMD 125 - Internet Trends/Media Criticism

    3 Credits
    This course addresses the social, interactive, and societal challenges created by new media, including online multimedia, social media, and collaborative, participatory online environments. Students will develop strategies for critically analyzing online media and messaging campaigns and address differences in how media and technology impact global audiences and people from a variety of backgrounds. In addition, students will learn critical digital citizenship skills, and develop strategies for using new media to communicate client messages.


    Quarters Typically Offered

    Spring Online

    Designed to Serve MMD Students
    Active Date 2016-01-19

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 24
    Contact Hours: Lecture 33 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    ProfTech Course Yes
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    Social, interactive, and participatory technologies

    Theories of new media communications

    Learning and communication with new media

    Digital citizenship and digital culture

    Global and intercultural impacts of new media

    Ethical use of new media

    Creating materials for new media channels

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Strategically and appropriately use one or more new media platforms for communication.

    Explain international and inter-cultural differences in the use and impact of new media technologies.

    Evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of a variety of social media tools in terms of messaging opportunities.

    Discuss the ethical and legal implications of new media tools.

    Apply knowledge of new media to developing media artifacts and productions for clients.

  • MMD 130 - Multimedia for the web

    5 Credits
    Learn the workflow process of graphic design to video. Students will have hands on experience with Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign for print and web. Examples of content will include banner ads, collateral, white papers and infographics. Design work will then be repurposed in commercial, promotional and informational videos. Students will also create how-to videos using onscreen capture tools to engage and educate their audience.


    Quarters Typically Offered

    Fall Day

    Designed to Serve MMD Students
    Active Date 2016-02-18

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 24
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    ProfTech Course Yes
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    - analyze web interface
    - design basic graphical elements
    - repurpose static design to video
    - basic video production
    - basic video post-production
    - produce assets and content through a variety of application
    - map out content workflow for the web
    - communicate with others to build marketing campaigns

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate knowledge of multiple format files

    Define terminology across applications

    Demonstrate the workflow process from static design to video

    Set up custom project preferences for various applications

    Construct strategic layout and marketing methods for variety of mediums

    Demonstrate knowledge of important issues in the field through written and oral presentations

  • MMD 135 - Motion Graphics

    5 Credits
    This course will cover basic video production with a strong emphasis in motion graphics. Students will manipulate text, images and video during the post-production process to dynamically tell stories. In addition, students will develop the basic fundamental skills to visually engage the viewer through special effects.


    Quarters Typically Offered

    Winter Day

    Designed to Serve MMD Students
    Active Date 2016-01-29

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 24
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    ProfTech Course Yes
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    Basic video production
    Adobe software
    Concepts of motion design
    Integrate 2D and 3D graphics with video
    Design theory and practice

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate animation to render 2D and 3D elements

    Develop appropriate vocabulary for discussing, evaluating and critiquing projects

    Develop an understanding of deliverables and technical specifications

    Combine basic art and design principles with creative storytelling to create compelling style frames, design boards, and motion design

  • MMD 140 - Internship

    5 Credits
    Provides students opportunities to combine classroom theory with practical experience gained in the workplace, workplace experience is related to students field of study or career goals.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day, Evening
    Fall Day, Evening
    Winter Day, Evening
    Spring Day, Evening

    Designed to Serve MMD Students
    Active Date 20190625T13:37:25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Variable Credit Yes Range 1-5
    Class Limit 24
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    ProfTech Course Yes
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    • Measurable learning objectives
    • Setting and accomplishing goals
    • Career development or exploration through work experience
    • Successful work habits and attitudes
    • Interpersonal communication skills

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Create a learning plan in collaboration with employer and advisor that details skills to be learned in the workplace.

    Perform assigned duties in a friendly and courteous manner and accept feedback.

    Communicate effectively with individuals and in a team environment.

    Demonstrate successful work habits and attitudes reflecting best practices in the workplace.

    Analyze problems and choose appropriate solutions, seeking clarification when necessary.

  • MMD 150 - Media Project Management (M)

    3 Credits
    This course focuses on project management skills for multimedia productions. Planning project requirements, creating milestones, and implementing plan will be covered. Students will also learn contracting and business techniques in the industry. Techniques for group communication in the industry will be discussed, as will client relations techniques.


    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve MMD Students
    Active Date 2016-02-18

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 24
    Contact Hours: Lecture 33 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    ProfTech Course Yes
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    Iterative design (plan, design, test, evaluate)

    Project tracking techniques

    Managing and tracking media elements

    Assembling the multimedia design team

    Task management and budgeting

    Client relations and marketing

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Effectively manage client expectations and communications during a production.

    Develop production plans and schedules.

    Identify skills and techniques needed to complete a multimedia production.

    Create a realistic and complete project budget/bid.

    Explain the reasons for, and how to write a good contract.

  • MMD 160 - Advanced Multimedia Production

    5 Credits
    This course covers the final stages of post-production and content delivery. Adding captions, color and sound correction, and other skills will be taught. Students will learn techniques for delivering online video, including streaming, web site embedding, and DVD production. Students will learn to assess the impact of delivery methods on social media campaigns, global audiences, and diverse audiences.

    Pre-requisite(s) MMD 110
    FeesCF AD

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve MMD Students
    Active Date 20200330T21:16:02

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 24
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    ProfTech Course Yes
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    • Editing and post production techniques
    • Finalizing video for delivery to client
    • Impact of delivery methods on global and diverse audiences
    • Streaming, embedding, and other online delivery methods
    • DVD Production

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Prepare finalized high quality digital video products for clients.

    Incorporate captions and advanced video effects in productions in effective ways.

    Deliver a video using a variety of delivery platforms.

    Communicate with clients, talent and colleagues effectively.

    Assess delivery platforms for impact on diverse and global audiences.

  • MMD 210 - Multimedia Light, Sound and Music

    5 Credits
    Students will produce full video projects with a strong understanding of light, sound and music. This course will cover the principals of lighting design in production, and the techniques of sound and music in post-production for digital storytelling. Students will learn how to use various lighting setups to create a mood and focal point. Additionally, students will edit with music, voice and sound effects to aurally enhance a story.

    Pre-requisite(s) MMD 110 min 1.0
    FeesCF AD

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Winter Day
    Designed to Serve MMD Students
    Active Date 20220314T08:43:50

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 24
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    ProfTech Course Yes
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline

    • Production planning
    • Client and talent management
    • Audio and lighting in a variety of settings
    • Set/location set up
    • Media Management
    • Editing and post-production

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Effectively demonstrate high, low, and 3-key lighting for camera subjects

    Effectively create the scene with natural and artificial light

    Demonstrate advance techniques in editing sound

    Effectively integrate music composition and balance with sound in video

  • MMD 236 - Portfolio Presentation

    5 Credits

    This class will prepare Multimedia Design students to enter the workforce or prepare a portfolio for college admissions. The main focus of the class will be to prepare a professional portfolio as well as developing a resume and interviewing skill. At the end of the quarter all students will participate in a portfolio show.

    Pre-requisite(s) MMD 101 and MMD 110 with a minimum grade of 1.5

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Spring Day, Evening

    Designed to Serve Multimedia students
    Active Date 20180601T15:06:10

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 24
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    ProfTech Course Yes
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    -Evaluation of existing student work
    -Contract development
    -Work on Portfolio
    - Resume
    - Interviewing skills
    - Logo Design
    - Coordinate Portfolio Show
    - Portfolio Show


    Student Learning Outcomes
    Produce a professional portfolio in area of study.

    Produce a professional resume to acquire a position in selected field.

    Demonstrate proper interviewing skills to acquire a position in selected field.

    Effectively, present professional portfolio to advisory board members.

  • MMD 240 - Internship

    5 Credits
    Provides students opportunities to combine classroom theory with practical experience gained in the workplace, workplace experience is related to students field of study or career goals.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Day, Evening

    Winter Day, Evening
    Spring Day, Evening

    Designed to Serve MMD Students
    Active Date 20190625T13:37:23

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Variable Credit Yes Range 1-5
    Class Limit 24
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    ProfTech Course Yes
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    • Measurable learning objectives
    • Setting and accomplishing goals
    • Career development or exploration through work experience
    • Successful work habits and attitudes
    • Interpersonal communication skills

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Create a learning plan in collaboration with employer and advisor that details skills to be learned in the workplace.

    Perform assigned duties in a friendly and courteous manner and accept feedback.

    Communicate effectively with individuals and in a team environment.

    Demonstrate successful work habits and attitudes reflecting best practices in the workplace.

    Analyze problems and choose appropriate solutions, seeking clarification when necessary.


  • MUSC 101 - Creating Your Own Music

    5 Credits
    This course is designed to provide students with a solid foundation for the creative process of songwriting and composition. Students will explore and write music in several distinct styles, demonstrating creativity, and an understanding of the basic theoretical aspects of music composition. Students are expected to compose, arrange, notate, and present music for various combinations of instruments and voice.


    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve This course is designed for students wishing to compose their own music in any style.
    Active Date 20201208T18:00:42

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 25
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline
    • What does it mean to compose music?
    • What is the purpose of music composition?
    • How do different tools affect the process and the result?
    • What are some of the ways musical compositions are transmitted?
    • Analysis of composition models
    • Creation of original work

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Students will compose pieces of original music for groups of different size and instrumentation.

    Students will convey compositions with a variety of notational systems and performance methods

    Students will be able to analyze musical works from a variety of genres in terms of their musical structure and lyrics.

  • MUSC 103 - Computer Music and Recording

    5 Credits
    This course introduces students to the technologies used in music production, recording, and editing. It covers audio set-ups such as microphones and computer interfaces, Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) principles and techniques, sampling, sequencing, beat-making, notation, and Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs).


    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day, Online
    Winter Day, Online
    Spring Day, Online

    Designed to Serve Any student wishing to learn about using technology in music production. 
    Active Date 20230320T11:39:41

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 25
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline

    • Properties of Sound
    • Signal Paths
    • Editing
    • Synthesis
    • MIDI
    • Notation
    • Acoustics
    • Effects
    • Performance Applications

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate the ability to describe and apply the basics of audio signal flow

    Demonstrate the ability to use sequences and loops to develop musical structure.

    Produce multi-track recordings using a variety of material types (e.g., audio and MIDI).

    Describe and apply the concepts of MIDI to recording and editing projects.

    Develop scores and/or lead sheets using music notation software.

  • MUSC 106 - History of Rock Music

    5 Credits
    A historical survey of the ever-transforming styles of rock music and the cultural, economic, political, social, technological and musical forces that shape them.

    Course Note Previously MUSIC 106.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Fall Evening

    Spring Evening

    Designed to Serve Any student with serious interest in aesthetic, historical, sociological, cultural, economic, and psychological dimensions of rock music.
    Active Date 2011-08-08

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 38
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline
    Six Streams of American Popular Music Pop, Race Music, Country, Jazz, Folk, Gospel. Five Blues Styles Country, Delta, Classic, Urban, Chicago Rhythm and Blues The British Invasion and Blues Revival Glitter/Glam Rockabilly Psychedelia Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Pop Rock and Surf Music Southern Rock Punk and New Wave Soul and Funk Fusion Ska and Reggae Folk Rock Art Rock Hip Hop and Rap Underground and Alternative Rock Postmodern Genres

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate how rock is but one of the seven streams of American popular music and its indebtedness to the other six.

    Place rock within the context of those cultural, economic, political, social, and technological forces that have shaped it.

    Locate rock within the broader currents of twentieth century music, art and thought.

    Analyze rock from the perspective of symbolic anthropology, depth, psychology, critical theory, etc.

  • MUSC 107 - American Popular Music

    5 Credits
    A cultural survey of the seven streams of American popular music: pop, country, rhythm and blues, jazz, folk, gospel and rock.

    Course Note Previously MUSIC 107.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Winter Evening

    Designed to Serve Any student, musician or layperson, who has a serious interest in American popular music and culture.
    Active Date 2012-09-28

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 38
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline
    The Seven Streams of American Popular Music 1. American Popular Music a. The Birth of American Popular Music in the 19th Century b. Tin Pan Alley c. The American Musical Theatre 2. African American Traditions a. Blues b. Rhythm and blues 3. Jazz 4. Country Music a. Hillbilly b. Country and Western c. Bluegrass 5. America’s Folk Music 6. Gospel 7. Rock

    Student Learning Outcomes
    To delineate the seven streams of American popular music

    To situate American popular music within the context of those cultural, economic, political, social, technological, and artistic forces that have configured it.

    To situate American popular music within the broader context of twentieth century music and thought.

    To demarcate popular/mass cultural artifacts from those springing from folk and elite cultures.

  • MUSC 109 - History of Jazz

    5 Credits
    Traces the evolution of jazz from its African and European rhythmic and musical traditions through contemporary jazz.

    Course Note Previously MUSIC 105.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Online

    Winter Online
    Spring Online

    Designed to Serve Students transferring to baccalaureate institutions and/or needing Humanities Area II distribution credits.
    Active Date 2011-07-25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 38
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline
    African contributions to jazz. The American milieu: from the Civil War to 1900. Stylistic changes from 1900 to the present. A. Dixieland B. Big Band Swing C. Boogie-Woogie & Stride D. Bebop E. Cool F. New Things/ Free Jazz G. Fusion H. Contemporary

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate reasonable basic listening skills and an understanding of the elements of jazz.

    Recognize of the diverse multicultural influences in American music.

    Demonstrate an awareness of the historical, sociological and cultural dimensions of jazz music and its place in the 20th century discourse.

  • MUSC 110 - Music Cultures of the World

    5 Credits

    This introductory course will survey selected music cultures from Oceania, Asia, Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, and North, Central and South America. We will explore how societies develop and organize sound into music, how they articulate music’s place within their own culture, and how musical practice and performance maintain, challenge, or transform cultural identities. We will build our knowledge through lectures, discussions, hands-on activities, academic writings, “traditional” and “popular” sound recordings, and film.

    Course Note Previously MUSIC 110.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Fall Day, Evening
    Winter Day, Evening
    Spring Day, Evening

    Designed to Serve Any student interested in music and culture.
    Active Date 2012-06-25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 38
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Diversity & Globalism
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline
    Fundamental issues in music, culture, and identity

    Selected culture areas divided into weekly units

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Delineate how a particular music's organizational principles map onto various non-musical aspects of a society such as culture, race, gender and nationalism.

    Interpret the social function of music in its cultural context drawing on concepts from Ethnomusicology and other disciplines.

    Accurately explain a musical piece’s cultural origin, and musical components and concepts.

    Evaluate self-engagement with music based on one’s own and other diverse music cultures.

  • MUSC 112 - 20th Century Concert Music

    5 Credits
    A survey of 20th Century Western Concert Music styles. Emphasis will be on Classical styles, but topics such as jazz, tango, electro-acoustic, computer music, and performance art will also be covered.

    Course Note Previously MUSIC 112.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Any student who has an interest in and/or love for contemporary music and art.
    Active Date 2014-05-07

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 38
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline
    Musical Elements Historical Context Early Musical movements in the 20th Century Musical Styles Since 1945 Music and the Mass Media Music and Technology

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Students will demonstrate their understanding of musical styles by identifying them from recorded examples.

    Students will demonstrate their understanding of the importance of historical events and artistic movements upon 20th and 21st Century music.

    Students will have knowledge of major composers in the 20th and 21st Centuries.

  • MUSC 113 - Introduction to Hip Hop

    5 Credits
    A history of the development of hip hop, examining musical, historical, sociological and economic perspectives.


    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students transferring to baccalaureate institutions and/or needing Humanities Area II or Diversity & Globalism distribution credits.
    Active Date 20210403T10:09:25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 38
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Diversity & Globalism
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline
    • Musical precursors to hip hop
    • 1960s-1970s New York and the conditions that led to hip hop
    • Early pioneers
    • Four elements of hip hop
      • MCing
      • DJing
      • Breakdancing
      • Graffiti
    • Examination of major figures and subgenres
    • Intersections with other musics
    • Considerations of race, gender, class, etc

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Accurately describe musical elements of hip hop to demonstrate basic listening skills.

    Investigate the historical, sociological, multicultural, economic, and technological dimensions of hip hop and its place in contemporary discourse.

    Describe the five elements of hip hop and how they intersect.

  • MUSC 114 - Introduction to Tango

    5 Credits
    A survey of Argentine tango music, lyrics, and dance as they have developed over the last century. No previous musical or dance knowledge is required.


    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Any student wishing to learn about Argentine tango.
    Active Date 2016-03-09

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 38
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Guardia Viejo

    Guardia Nuevo

    The Golden Age of Tango

    Post Golden Age

    Modern Tango

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate basic listening skills and an understanding of the elements of tango.

    Delineate the various European and African musical traditions that have shaped Argentine tango.

    Describe tango’s dissemination outside of Argentina.

    Demonstrate an understanding of the historical, sociological and cultural dimensions of tango and its place in the 20th and 21st century discourse.

  • MUSC 115 - Music of Las Americas

    5 Credits
    This course will take an interdisciplinary approach to explore selected musics emerging from Latinx communities in the Caribbean and South, Central, and North America (referred to as “Las Americas”). The course explores the many ways in which the Latinx experience is embodied in and negotiated through musical performance, framed by a range of concepts such as migration, diaspora, colonialism, hybridity, globalization; and the intersecting roles of class, race, gender, and sexuality. The course will also devote significant attention to the performance and meaning of Latinx musics in the context of U.S. American culture and identity.


    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve All students seeking transfer degree. Students should have 12th grade level reading, writing, listening, and note-taking skills. The course requires some abstract thinking.
    Active Date 20200102T13:59:44

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 38
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Diversity & Globalism
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline

    • Introduction to the study of music and cultural considerations.
    • Listening skills and musical components.
    • Weekly units based on selected areas such as Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Guatemala, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and the United States.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Delineate how music’s organizational principles map onto various non-musical aspects of social experience.

    Describe the emergence and historical trajectory of Latinx musical cultures in the Americas.

    Explain Latinx artists’ participation in and contributions to the formation of U.S. American culture and identity.

    Accurately identify a musical piece’s cultural origin, and musical components and concepts.

  • MUSC 116 - Class Piano Level 1

    2 Credits
    Group instruction for beginners; basic hand position, fingerings and their keyboard techniques; pitch and rhythmic notation; and rudimentary music theory.

    Course Note Previously MUSIC 116.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Online
    Fall Day, Online
    Winter Day, Online
    Spring Day, Online

    Designed to Serve Students without any musical experience; students with musical experience in an area other than piano; students with previous, but now long forgotten, experience in piano.
    Active Date 20230320T11:39:45

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 17
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    1. Students play simple melodies by rote first with one hand, then with the other, and finally with both hands an octave apart.

    2. Students gradually learn the fundamentals of pitch and rhythmic notation and progress form playing by rote to very basic sight-reading.

    3. Students now learn to play simple chords in one hand while independently playing the melody in the other.

    4. Finally students learn to read and play simple compositions with both hands playing independently.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Student will be able to demonstrate rudimentary keyboard skills such as correct hand position and fingering.

    Student will be able to demonstrate the ability to read pitch and rhythmic notation in both the treble and bass clefs.

    Student will be able to demonstrate the ability to play simple compositions.

  • MUSC 117 - CLASS PIANO Level 2

    2 Credits
    Elementary group instruction for students with the ability to read music and who possess rudimentary keyboard skills. Continues to develop skills acquired in MUSC 116.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 116 min 2.5
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 117.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Online
    Fall Day, Online
    Winter Day, Online
    Spring Day, Online

    Designed to Serve Any student who can read music in both clefs and has basic keyboard skills.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:24

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 17
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    • Major scales, each hand separately
    • Chromatic scale
    • Intervals
    • Triad inversions
    • Rhythm

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate the ability to play all major scales and the chromatic scale with right and left hands separately

    Demonstrate ability to play notes on ledger lines on bass and treble clefs

    Demonstrate ability to create and play basic intervals and inversions of triads

    Demonstrate ability to play intermediate rhythms, including syncopation and triplets

  • MUSC 118 - CLASS PIANO Level 3

    2 Credits
    Intermediate group instruction for students who are proficient at reading music and can demonstrate competent facility at the keyboard. Students study beginning master literature and prepare for recital performance.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 117 min 3.0
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 118.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Summer Online
    Fall Day, Online
    Winter Day, Online
    Spring Day, Online

    Designed to Serve Any student who can read music in both clefs and has elementary keyboard skills.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 17
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    • Week 1: Instructor and student choose appropriate literature from Common Practice Period.
    • 3 pieces memorized and performed per Quarter.
    • Weeks 2-9: Instructor hears and evaluates student’s sight-reading, technique, musicianship, artistry development.
    • Survey scales, chords, inversions, in preparation for Piano Proficiency exam at four-year institutions (if student requests it.)
    • Week 10: Rehearsal on Estonia grand piano, in preparation for recital.
    • Final: Public performance.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Students demonstrate systematically developed musical and technical skills at the keyboard.

    Students demonstrate the ability to speak in musical parlance and to understand musical terminology.

    Students demonstrate confidence and skill in public performances of their work.

  • MUSC 125 - Class Guitar Level 1

    2 Credits
    Group instruction for beginners; correct hand position and fingerings; rudimentary music theory including melodic, harmonic and rhythmic notation.

    Course Note Previously MUSIC 125. Recom: Spanish guitar with nylon strings and wide neck and foot stool.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Designed to Serve Any student with a serious interest in guitar.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 15
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    • Tuning, strings, frets, fingers.
    • Elements of music: melody, harmony & rhythm.
    • Notes of the open strings on the musical staff.
    • RH/LH exercises & patterns.
    • Free strokes and rest strokes.
    • ¾ patterns and simple chord progressions.
    • Greensleeves.
    • Open 4th, 5th & 6th strings.
    • Visualizing notes on the fingerboard.
    • 4/4 time and whole notes.
    • Notes on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd strings.
    • Simple scale passages.
    • Canon in D.
    • Notes on the 3rd and 4th strings.
    • Notes on the 5th and 6th strings.
    • Harmonic intervals.
    • Individual coaching.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate basic guitar skills including proper hand coordination with fingerboard positions, techniques, and sight-reading.

    Play and harmonize melodies using written notation as well as chord symbols.

    Demonstrate the ability to transpose melodies by sight and read in multiple keys.

    Correctly play the major and minor scales and identify their key signatures.

    Correctly identify melodic and harmonic intervals, triads, and their inversions.

    Demonstrate proficiency performing rhythmic patterns and syncopation.

    Demonstrate advanced fingering and legato/staccato articulations.

    Perform early master literature.

    Perform publicly in class recital.

  • MUSC 126 - Class Guitar Level 2

    2 Credits

    Group instruction at the elementary level; accompaniment skills; correct hand positions and fingerings; fundamental theory including melodic, harmonic and rhythmic notation.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 125 min 2.0
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 126.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Designed to Serve Any student with basic guitar skills.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:26

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 15
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    • Approaching new music: music analysis, practice patterns & memorization exercises.
    • Elementary musicianship.
    • Accompaniment study.
    • Review rest and free strokes.
    • Sight-reading exercises and review in 1st, 2nd, & 5th positions.
    • Identification of melodic/harmonic intervals and their inversions.
    • Identification of triads and their inversions.
    • Review of chord forms in root position built on the 5th and 6th strings.
    • Music in two lines.
    • Play and harmonize melodies using written notation and chord symbols.
    • Minimum movement principle.
    • Left hand ligado technique, ascending & descending.
    • Dotted & syncopated rhythms.
    • Simple & compound duple & triple meters.
    • Right hand techniques: arpeggio, solid chords, rasqueado, & tremolo.
    • Articulations: legato & staccato.
    • Tone production: sul ponticello and sul tasto.
    • Dynamic ranges.
    • 5th position studies.
    • Moveable bar chord forms of major, minor, Mm7ths , & mm 7ths in root position on the 5th & 6th strings around the circle of 5ths.
    • Primary chords around the circle of 5ths.
    • Major and minor scale patterns on 5th & 6th strings.
    • Solo and ensemble performance recitals.


    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate elementary guitar skills with proper hand coordination and fingerboard positions, finger technique in both hands, & sight-reading.

    Play & harmonize melodies using written notation as well as chord symbols.

    Demonstrate melodic & harmonic transposition by sight in multiple keys.

    Correctly play all major and minor scales, their primary chords (I, IV, V7 in major & I, IV, V7 in minor), and identify their key signatures.

    Correctly identify melodic & harmonic intervals & their inversion.

    Correctly identify triads & their inversions.

    Demonstrate proficiency performing dotted & syncopated rhythms and simple & compound duple & triple meters.

    Demonstrate advanced fingerings and articulations.

    Perform elementary master literature from various style periods.

    Demonstrate tone production: dynamics, sul ponticello, & sul tasto.

  • MUSC 127 - Class Guitar Level 3

    2 Credits

    Group instruction at the intermediate level; accompaniment skills; correct hand positions and fingerings; fundamental theory including melodic, harmonic and rhythmic notation.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 126 with a minimum 2.0
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 127.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Designed to Serve Any student with elementary guitar skills.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:26

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 15
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    • Approaching New Music: music analysis, practice patterns, memorization exercises Advanced Musicianship.
    • Accompaniment Study.
    • Review rest and free strokes.
    • Sight-reading exercises and review.
    • Ornamentation: trills, mordent, reverse mordent, appoggiatura.
    • Musical Style: Late Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Contemporary, World Music.
    • Flamenco technique: tremolo, rasgueado.
    • Right hand technique: tremolo, rasgueado, Intermediate rhythm strums
    • Articulation: staccato, staccatisimo, legato, portato, tenuto.
    • Timbre: ponticello, sul tasto.
    • Dynamic studies
    • Left hand technique: minimum-movement principle, guide fingers, tension-release technique.
    • 7th position study.
    • Intermediate rhythms: syncopation, mixed, shifting, asymmetrical meters.
    • Scales: relative majors & minor, chromatic, blues.
    • Completion of the fingerboard.
    • Moveable bar chord forms: Mm7ths, mm7ths in root position built on the 5th and 6th strings around the Circle of 5ths.
    • Jazz chord progression around the Circle of 5ths.
    • Solo and ensemble performance recitals


    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate Intermediate guitar skills with proper hand coordination, fingerboard positions, finger technique in both hands, and sight-reading.

    Play and harmonize melodies using written notation as well as chord symbols.

    Demonstrate melodic and harmonic transposition by sight in multiple keys.

    Correctly play all major and minor scales, their primary chords, and identify their key signatures.

    Correctly identify melodic and harmonic intervals, triads, and their inversions.

    Demonstrate proficiency performing rhythmic patterns: dotted & syncopated.

    Demonstrate proficiency performing various simple and compound meters: duple, triple, quadruple, mixed, asymmetric.

    Demonstrate intermediate fingering and articulation: staccato, staccatisimo, legato, portato, tenuto.

    Perform Intermediate master literature from various style periods.

    Demonstrate various timbres and dynamics: ponticello and sul tasto.

  • MUSC 128 - World Percussion

    3 Credits
    This course is a hands-on study of percussion based music from around the world. Countries frequently addressed include: Cuba, Brazil, Peru, Senegal, Bali, etc.

    Course Note Previously MUSIC 128.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve All students, regardless of prior experience, who want to learn world drumming styles and techniques.
    Active Date 20170622T08:38:56

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Contact Hours: Lecture 33 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    • Diversity & Globalism
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Basic percussion technique.
    Playing individual parts of pieces learned by rote.
    Playing as part of an ensemble.
    Reading basic percussion notation.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate an elementary knowledge of the drumming styles and techniques emphasized during the quarter.

    Demonstrate the ability to start, continue, and stop playing in an ensemble.

    Display a demonstrative knowledge of the repertoire, style, rhythms, meters, tempi, and timbres of various ethnic rhythmic practices.

  • MUSC 150 - Performance Ensemble

    2 Credits
    Musical groups will be formed to engage specific instrumentations, such as African drumming, strings or piano. Students will rehearse and perform during the quarter.

    Course Note Previously MUSIC 142.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve All students in World of Music, World Music Cultures, social sciences and the community. Students who have had training on an instrument.
    Active Date 2011-07-25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    The ensemble will rehearse an appropriate selection of music with the aim of public performance by the quarter’s end.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Participate in public performances.

    Develop and improve musicial skills.

    Demonstrate knowledge of repertoires.

    Demonstrate ability to perform music in a non-solo setting.

    Develop the ability to listen with a musical ear.

  • MUSC 162 - Tango Dance

    2 Credits
    Introduction to the music, history, and basic dance movements and styles of Argentine tango. No previous musical or dancing experience required.


    Quarters Typically Offered

    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students wishing to learn about the Argentine tango.
    Active Date 2015-02-09

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 25
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Fundamentals elements of tango music - instrumentation, texture, lyrics Important composers and orchestras Basics of tango dance - walking, connection, parallel and cross systems, ochos, turns, walking to the cross

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate an understanding of the basics of Argentine tango dance movement.

    Demonstrate knowledge of the history of tango music, including important composers and styles.

  • MUSC 170 - Private Music Instruction

    2 Credits
    Private lessons (10) with a college-approved instructor; lesson fee paid by student directly to the instructor.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Private instructional courses are taken with an instructor chosen and paid for by the student but who must be adviser approved. Ten (10) half-hour lessons = 1 credit; ten (10) 1-hour lessons = 2 credits. Instructor must submit an official Highline grade form before finals each quarter.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students who intend to transfer to baccalaureate institutions as music/minors and/or desire to become more proficient performers.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:27

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Variable Credit Yes Range 1-2
    Class Limit 19
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Independent Studies 66
    Total Contact Hours 66
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Content is determined by individual instructors to meet the needs of each student.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate improvement in the proficiency of vocal or instrumental music based on a mutually defined goal for music instruction.

  • MUSC 171 - Private Music Instruction

    2 Credits
    Private lessons (10) with a college-approved instructor; lesson fee paid by student directly to the instructor.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 170 min 2.0
    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Private instructional courses are taken with an instructor chosen and paid for by the student but who must be adviser approved. Ten (10) half-hour lessons = 1 credit; ten (10) 1-hour lessons = 2 credits. Instructor must submit an official Highline grade form before finals each quarter.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students who intend to transfer to baccalaureate institutions as music majors/minors and/or desire to become more proficient performers.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:28

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Variable Credit Yes Range 1-2
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Independent Studies 66
    Total Contact Hours 66
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Content is determined by individual instructors to meet the needs of each student.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate improvement in the proficiency of vocal or instrumental music based on a mutually defined goal for music instruction.

  • MUSC 172 - Private Music Instruction

    2 Credits
    Private lessons (10) with a college-approved instructor; lesson fee paid by student directly to the instructor.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 171 min 2.0
    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Private instructional courses are taken with an instructor chosen and paid for by the student but who must be adviser approved. Ten (10) half-hour lessons = 1 credit; ten (10) 1-hour lessons = 2 credits. Instructor must submit an official Highline grade form before finals each quarter.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students who intend to transfer to baccalaureate institutions as music majors/minors and/or desire to become more proficient performers.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:28

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Variable Credit Yes Range 1-2
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Independent Studies 66
    Total Contact Hours 66
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Content is determined by individual instructors to meet the needs of each student.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate improvement in the proficiency of vocal or instrumental music based on a mutually defined goal for music instruction.

  • MUSC 173 - Private Music Instruction

    2 Credits
    Private lessons (10) with a college-approved instructor; lesson fee paid by student directly to the instructor.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 172 min 2.0
    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Private instructional courses are taken with an instructor chosen and paid for by the student but who must be adviser approved. Ten (10) half-hour lessons = 1 credit; ten (10) 1-hour lessons = 2 credits. Instructor must submit an official Highline grade form before finals each quarter.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students who intend to transfer to baccalaureate institutions as music majors/minors and/or desire to become more proficient performers.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:29

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Variable Credit Yes Range 1-2
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Independent Studies 66
    Total Contact Hours 66
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Content is determined by individual instructors to meet the needs of each student.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate improvement in the proficiency of vocal or instrumental music based on a mutually defined goal for music instruction.

  • MUSC 174 - Private Music Instruction

    2 Credits
    Private lessons (10) with a college-approved instructor; lesson fee paid by student directly to the instructor.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 173 min 2.0
    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Private instructional courses are taken with an instructor chosen and paid for by the student but who must be adviser approved. Ten (10) half-hour lessons = 1 credit; ten (10) 1-hour lessons = 2 credits. Instructor must submit an official Highline grade form before finals each quarter.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students who intend to transfer to baccalaureate institutions as music majors/minors and/or desire to become more proficient performers.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:30

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Variable Credit Yes Range 1-2
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Independent Studies 66
    Total Contact Hours 66
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Content is determined by individual instructors to meet the needs of each student.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate improvement in the proficiency of vocal or instrumental music based on a mutually defined goal for music instruction.

  • MUSC 175 - Private Music Instruction

    2 Credits
    Private lessons (10) with a college-approved instructor; lesson fee paid by student directly to the instructor.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 174 min 2.0
    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Private instructional courses are taken with an instructor chosen and paid for by the student but who must be adviser approved. Ten (10) half-hour lessons = 1 credit; ten (10) 1-hour lessons = 2 credits. Instructor must submit an official Highline grade form before finals each quarter.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students who intend to transfer to baccalaureate institutions as music majors/minors and/or desire to become more proficient performers.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:30

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Variable Credit Yes Range 1-2
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Independent Studies 66
    Total Contact Hours 66
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Content is determined by individual instructors to meet the needs of each student.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate improvement in the proficiency of vocal or instrumental music based on a mutually defined goal for music instruction.

  • MUSC 181 - Beginning Class Voice

    2 Credits
    Beginning class instruction in vocal techniques and voice production. Students sing individually for grades. Song repertoire selected from song anthology text and personal choice.

    Course Note Previously MUSIC 181.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve For students with no solo background who desire to improve voices and learn solo techniques.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:31

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 11 Lab 22
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Students learn systematic vocal technique, vocal health and vocalizes related to vocal issues. Students sing songs in groups, followed by individual solo assignments. At least three memorized solos are presented in class with correct deportment, technique and style. The class, as audience, supports with comments and encouragement, both oral and written evaluation. Grades are based on achievement in solo work, as well as accuracy of commentary and participation.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Identify the basic components of the vocal mechanism and vocal sound

    Summarize basic information about the repertoire performed in the class, such as style, form, and history

    Perform a solo song from memory with accurate rhythm, pitch, and lyrics

  • MUSC 182 - Intermediate Class Voice

    2 Credits
    Class instruction in vocal techniques and voice production. Students sing individually for grades. Song repertoire selected from anthology of baroque English and Italian songs.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 181 with min. 2.0
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 182.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve For students seriously interested in improving solo performance techniques. Students should enter with some solo background and have knowledge of music fundamentals.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:32

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 11 Lab 22
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    A continuation of MUSC 181, students sing master art song literature of the English and Itanilan Baroque period, later adding classic Broadway pieces (no belt). Brit English and Italian diction taught. Class divides into two groups; each group rotates presenting memorized solos every other week. A paper (250 words) describing the Baroque Song Style is submitted at the quarter’s end. Individual vocalises assigned as needed.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Describe the basic components of the vocal mechanism and vocal sound

    Summarize the basic vowel classifications and their relationship to vocal resonance

    Summarize basic information about the repertoire performed in the class, such as style, form, history, and character analysis

    Perform two solo songs from memory with accurate rhythm, pitch, and lyrics

  • MUSC 183 - Advanced Art Song Class Voice

    2 Credits
    Class instruction in master art song literature.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 182 with min. 2.0
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 183.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve For experience soloists who desire improvement in performances and exposure to broad survey of master art literature.
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:32

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 11 Lab 22
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    A continuation of MUSC 182, students sing master art song literature of Romantic period to include German and French; diction taught for each song. Students may add Broadway pieces of last 30 years. Class divides into two groups; each group rotates, presenting memorized solos every other week. A paper (500 words) describing the Romantic period literature and/or contrasting song styles within master art song literature is submitted at the quarter’s end. Individual vocalizes assigned as needed.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Perform vocal improvisations and ornamentation with stylistically accurate rhythm and pitch.

    Summarize basic information about the repertoire performed in the class, such as style, form, and history

    Perform two solo songs from memory with accurate rhythm, pitch, and lyrics

  • MUSC 185 - Vocal Technique and Performance I

    2 Credits
    A preparatory class for stage, contest and concert work.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 183 with min. 2.0
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 185.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Advanced singers
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:33

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 11 Lab 22
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Students are introduced to challenging solo and ensemble singing in a variety of settings and based on master literature, including oratorio, scenes from Broadway, early opera and operetta, suitable for the young performer. Skills learned include: methods of memorization, role preparation through singing, actor exercises, and coaching with an accompanist. Each quarter’s grade depends upon participation, self-motivation and preparation, and presentation of materials in concert settings. Individual and class assignments with deadlines are outlined at the beginning of each quarter.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate handheld microphone technique for singing in Contemporary Commercial Music (CCM) genres, including proximity, direction, form, and sound check

    Summarize basic information about the repertoire performed in the class, such as style, form, and history

    Perform 4-5 solo songs from memory with accurate rhythm, pitch, and lyrics

  • MUSC 186 - Vocal Technique and Performance II

    2 Credits
    A preparatory class for stage, contest and concert work.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 185 with min. 2.0
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 186.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Advanced singers
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:33

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 11 Lab 22
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Students are introduced to challenging solo and ensemble singing in a variety of settings and based on master literature, including oratorio, scenes from Broadway, early opera and operetta, suitable for the young performer. Skills learned include: methods of memorization, role preparation through singing, actor exercises, and coaching with an accompanist. Each quarter’s grade depends upon participation, self-motivation and preparation, and presentation of materials in concert setting. Individual and class assignments with deadlines are outlined at the beginning of each quarter.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate performance practice in multiple genres, including staging, slating, spoken transitions, bowing, and movement.

    Summarize basic information about the repertoire performed in the class, such as style, form, history, and character analysis

    Perform 4-5 solo songs from memory with accurate rhythm, pitch, and lyrics

  • MUSC 187 - Vocal Technique and Performance III

    2 Credits
    A preparatory class for stage, contest and concert work.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 186 with min. 2.0
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 187.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Advanced singers
    Active Date 20220330T15:34:34

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 11 Lab 22
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Students are introduced to challenging solo and ensemble singing in a variety of settings and based on master literature, including oratorio, scenes from Broadway, early opera and operetta, suitable for the young performer. Skills learned include: methods of memorization, role preparation through singing, actor exercises, and coaching with an accompanist. Each quarter’s grade depends upon participation, self-motivation and preparation, and presentation of materials in concert settings. Individual and class assignments with deadlines are outlined at the beginning of each quarter.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate ensemble singing skill in the areas of listening, tuning, balance, and musicianship, through the performance of exercises and prepared pieces

    Summarize basic information about the repertoire performed in the class, such as style, form, and history

    Perform 4-5 ensemble songs from memory with accurate rhythm, pitch, and lyrics

  • MUSC 204 - Improvisation

    2 Credits
    Basic, intermediate and advanced elements of jazz theory, improvisation and repertoire. Open to all instrumentalists and qualified vocalists.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 116
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 204.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Music majors/minors with a strong grasp of theory and instrumental fundamentals who wish to pursue jazz and improvised music.
    Active Date 2011-08-08

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Theory Seventh chords and their extensions Harmonic progressions ii-V-I Blues changes Pentatonic and blues scales Basic rhythmic styles Improvisation 12-bar blues 32-bar pop song form Repertoire Jazz standards Contemporary pop songs

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate the ability to improvise on a 12-bar blues.

    Demonstrate the ability to improvise on a 32-bar popular song form.

  • MUSC 205 - Improvisation

    2 Credits
    Basic, intermediate and advanced elements of jazz theory, improvisation and repertoire. Open to all instrumentalists and qualified vocalists.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 204
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 205.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Music majors/ minors who have completed MUSC 204.
    Active Date 2011-08-08

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Theory Seventh chords and their extensions Harmonic progressions ii-V-I Blues changes Pentatonic and blues scales Basic rhythmic styles Improvisation 12-bar blues 32-bar pop song form Repertoire Jazz standards Contemporary pop songs

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate the ability to improvise on a 12-bar blues.

    Demonstrate the ability to improvise on a 32-bar popular song form.

  • MUSC 206 - Improvisation

    2 Credits
    Basic, intermediate and advanced elements of jazz theory, improvisation and repertoire. Open to all instrumentalists and qualified vocalists.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC 205
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 206.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Music majors/ minors who have completed MUSC 205
    Active Date 2011-08-08

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Theory Seventh chords and their extensions Harmonic progressions ii-V-I Blues changes Pentatonic and blues scales Basic rhythmic styles Improvisation 12-bar blues 32-bar pop song form Repertoire Jazz standards Contemporary pop songs

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate the ability to improvise on a 12-bar blues.

    Demonstrate the ability to improvise on a 32-bar popular song form.

  • MUSC 210 - Highline Concert Chorale

    2 Credits
    Students must audition for this ensemble, which will perform master literature on campus and at festivals and other competitive venues.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 230.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Students preparing to major/minor in music. Students transferring to Baccalaureate Music Programs must have performance credits in at least one major discipline: choir, band, or orchestra. The course must provide advanced skill practice and include master literature performances to be accepted by larger programs.
    Active Date 2011-07-25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 0 Lab 44 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 44
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Introduction of materials with timeline for memorization. Rehearsal schedule, break-out sessions. Master rehearsals from memory. Applied artistic choral technique. Study of musical style from the time period. Tech, dress rehearsals in performance hall Concert in hall to campus, public, free of charge.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate ability to sight read, hear and execute pitches and intervals in tune.

    Demonstrate improvement in vocal tone and quality.

    Demonstrate ability to memorize music in an orderly and disciplined manner.

    Present research on the materials to be performed from technical, theoretical, and historical perspectives

    Demonstrate performance proficiency.

  • MUSC 211 - Highline Concert Chorale

    2 Credits
    Students must audition for this ensemble, which will perform master literature on campus and at festivals and other competitive venues.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 231.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Students preparing to major/minor in music. Students transferring to Baccalaureate Music Programs must have performance credits in at least one major discipline: choir, band, or orchestra. The course must provide advanced skill practice and include master literature performances to be accepted by larger programs.
    Active Date 2012-02-16

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 0 Lab 44 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 44
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Introduction of materials with timeline for memorization. Rehearsal schedule, break-out sessions. Master rehearsals from memory. Applied artistic choral technique. Study of musical style from the time period. Tech, dress rehearsals in performance hall Concert in hall to campus, public, free of charge.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate ability to sight read, hear and execute pitches and intervals in tune.

    Demonstrate improvement in vocal tone and quality.

    Demonstrate ability to memorize music in an orderly and disciplined manner.

    Present research on the materials to be performed from technical, theoretical, historical perspectives.

    Demonstrate performance proficiency.

  • MUSC 212 - Highline Concert Chorale

    2 Credits
    Students must audition for this ensemble, which will perform master literature on campus and at festivals and other competitive venues.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 232.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Students preparing to major/minor in music. Students transferring to Baccalaureate Music Programs must have performance credits in at least one major discipline: choir, band, or orchestra. The course must provide advanced skill practice and include master literature performances to be accepted by larger programs.
    Active Date 2011-08-08

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 0 Lab 44 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 44
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Introduction of materials with timeline for memorization. Rehearsal schedule, break-out sessions. Master rehearsals from memory. Applied artistic choral technique. Study of musical style from the time period. Tech, dress rehearsals in performance hall Concert in hall to campus, public, free of charge.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate ability to sight read, hear and execute pitches and intervals in tune.

    Demonstrate improvement in vocal tone and quality.

    Demonstrate ability to memorize music in an orderly and disciplined manner.

    Present research on the materials to be performed from technical, theoretical, historical perspectives

    Demonstrate performance proficiency,

  • MUSC 213 - Highline Concert Chorale

    2 Credits
    Students must audition for this ensemble, which will perform master literature on campus and at festivals and other competitive venues.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 233.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Students preparing to major/minor in music. Students transferring to Baccalaureate Music Programs must have performance credits in at least one major discipline: choir, band, or orchestra. The course must provide advanced skill practice and include master literature performances to be accepted by larger programs.
    Active Date 2011-08-08

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 0 Lab 44 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 44
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Introduction of materials with timeline for memorization. Rehearsal schedule, break-out sessions. Master rehearsals from memory. Applied artistic choral technique. Study of musical style from the time period. Tech, dress rehearsals in performance hall Concert in hall to campus, public, free of charge.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate ability to sight read, hear and execute pitches and intervals in tune.

    Demonstrate improvement in vocal tone and quality.

    Demonstrate ability to memorize music in an orderly and disciplined manner.

    Present research on the materials to be performed from technical, theoretical, historical perspectives

    Demonstrate performance proficiency,

  • MUSC 214 - Highline Concert Chorale

    2 Credits
    Students must audition for this ensemble, which will perform master literature on campus and at festivals and other competitive venues.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 234.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Students preparing to major/minor in music. Students transferring to Baccalaureate Music Programs must have performance credits in at least one major discipline: choir, band, or orchestra. The course must provide advanced skill practice and include master literature performances to be accepted by larger programs.
    Active Date 2011-08-08

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 0 Lab 44 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 44
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Introduction of materials with timeline for memorization. Rehearsal schedule, break-out sessions. Master rehearsals from memory. Applied artistic choral technique. Study of musical style from the time period. Tech, dress rehearsals in performance hall Concert in hall to campus, public, free of charge.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate ability to sight read, hear and execute pitches and intervals in tune.

    Demonstrate improvement in vocal tone and quality.

    Demonstrate ability to memorize music in an orderly and disciplined manner.

    Present research on the materials to be performed from technical, theoretical, historical perspectives

    Demonstrate performance proficiency.

  • MUSC 215 - Highline Concert Chorale

    2 Credits
    Students must audition for this ensemble, which will perform master literature on campus and at festivals and other competitive venues.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 235.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students preparing to major/minor in music. Students transferring to Baccalaureate Music Programs must have performance credits in at least one major discipline: choir, band, or orchestra. The course must provide advanced skill practice and include master literature performances to be accepted by larger programs.
    Active Date 2011-07-25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 20
    Shared Learning Environment Yes
    Contact Hours: Lecture 0 Lab 44 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 44
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Introduction of materials with timeline for memorization. Rehearsal schedule, break-out sessions. Master rehearsals from memory. Applied artistic choral technique. Study of musical style from the time period. Tech, dress rehearsals in performance hall Concert in hall to campus, public, free of charge.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Daemonstrate ability to sight read, hear and execute pitches, intervals in tune.

    Demonstrate improvement in vocal tone quality.

    Demonstrate ability to memorize music in an orderly and disciplined manner, by deadlines.

    Present research on the materials to be performed from technical, theoretical, historical perspectives

    Demonstrate understanding by performance evaluation.

  • MUSC 281 - Music Performance

    1 Credits
    Credit is given for active performance participation with the Federal Way, Rainier, Northwest, Seattle Youth, Tacoma Youth and other symphony orchestras, as well as other musical organizations approved by the Music Department.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Director must submit official Highline grade form by the Friday before finals each quarter. Previously MUSIC 281.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Instrumental and vocal musicians performing with approved off-campus ensembles.
    Active Date 2011-07-25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Variable Credit Yes Range 1-5
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Lecture 0 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 33
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Contract to be agreed upon at start of each quarter. Instructor and student will plan the number of hours of rehearsal and/or performance and each student’s individual goals.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Perform with an established off-campus ensemble.

  • MUSC 282 - Music Performance

    2 Credits
    Credit is given for active performance participation with the Federal Way, Rainier, Northwest, Seattle Youth, Tacoma Youth and other symphony orchestras, as well as other musical organizations approved by the Music department.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Director must submit official Highline grade form by the Friday before finals each quarter. Previously MUSIC 282.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Instrumental and vocal musicians performing with approved off-campus ensembles.
    Active Date 2011-07-25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Variable Credit Yes Range 1-2
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Lecture 0 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 66
    Total Contact Hours 66
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Contract to be agreed upon at start of each quarter. Instructor and student will plan the number of hours of rehearsal and/or performance and each studentââ¬â¢s individual goals.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Perform with an established off-campus ensemble.

  • MUSC 283 - Music Performance

    3 Credits
    Credit is given for active performance participation with the Federal Way, Rainier, Northwest, Seattle Youth, Tacoma Youth and other symphony orchestras, as well as other musical organizations approved by the Music Department.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Director must submit official Highline grade form by the Friday before finals each quarter. Previously MUSIC 281.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Instrumental and vocal musicians performing with approved off-campus ensembles.
    Active Date 2011-07-25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Variable Credit Yes Range 1-3
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Lecture 0 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 99
    Total Contact Hours 99
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Contract to be agreed upon at start of each quarter. Instructor and student will plan the number of hours of rehearsal and/or performance and each studentââ¬â¢s individual goals.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Perform with an established off-campus ensemble.

  • MUSC 284 - Music Performance

    4 Credits
    Credit is given for active performance participation with the Federal Way, Rainier, Northwest, Seattle Youth, Tacoma Youth and other symphony orchestras, as well as other musical organizations approved by the Music Department.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Director must submit official Highline grade form by the Friday before finals each quarter. Previously MUSIC 284.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Instrumental and vocal musicians performing with approved off-campus ensembles.
    Active Date 2011-07-25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Variable Credit Yes Range 1-4
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Lecture 0 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 132
    Total Contact Hours 132
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Contract to be agreed upon at start of each quarter. Instructor and student will plan the number of hours of rehearsal and/or performance and each studentââ¬â¢s individual goals.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Perform with an established off-campus ensemble.

  • MUSC 285 - Music Performance

    5 Credits
    Credit is given for active performance participation with the Federal Way, Rainier, Northwest, Seattle Youth, Tacoma Youth and other symphony orchestras, as well as other musical organizations approved by the Music Department.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Director must submit official Highline grade form by the Friday before finals each quarter. Previously MUSIC 285.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Instrumental and vocal musicians performing with approved off-campus ensembles.
    Active Date 2011-07-25

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Variable Credit Yes Range 1-5
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Lecture 0 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 165
    Total Contact Hours 165
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Contract to be agreed upon at start of each quarter. Instructor and student will plan the number of hours of rehearsal and/or performance and each studentââ¬â¢s individual goals.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Perform with an established off-campus ensemble.

  • MUSC 291 - Special Studies

    1 Credits
    An individual or group project developed by student(s) and instructor in an area approved by the instructor.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 291.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students with advanced musical training.
    Active Date 20201105T14:51:27

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Independent Study Yes
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Independent Studies 33
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    Dependent on content.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Effectively complete a mutually agreed-upon, independent music project that conforms to given requirements.

  • MUSC 292 - Special Studies

    2 Credits
    An individual or group project developed by student(s) and instructor in an area approved by the instructor.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 292.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students with advanced musical training.
    Active Date 20201105T14:51:27

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Independent Study Yes
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Independent Studies 66
    Total Contact Hours 66
    Degree Distributions:
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    Dependent on content.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Effectively complete a mutually agreed-upon, independent music project that conforms to given requirements.

  • MUSC 293 - Special Studies

    3 Credits
    An individual or group project developed by student(s) and instructor in an area approved by the instructor.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 293.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students with advanced musical training.
    Active Date 20201105T14:51:27

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Independent Study Yes
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Independent Studies 99
    Total Contact Hours 99
    Degree Distributions:
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    Dependent on content.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Effectively complete a mutually agreed-upon, independent music project that conforms to given requirements.

  • MUSC 294 - Special Studies

    4 Credits
    An individual or group project developed by student(s) and instructor in an area approved by the instructor.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 294.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Winter Day
    Spring Day

    Designed to Serve Students with advanced musical training.
    Active Date 20201105T14:51:28

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Independent Study Yes
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Independent Studies 132
    Total Contact Hours 132
    Degree Distributions:
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    Dependent on content.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Effectively complete a mutually agreed-upon, independent music project that conforms to given requirements.

  • MUSC 295 - Special Studies

    5 Credits
    An individual or group project developed by student(s) and instructor in an area approved by the instructor.

    Instructor Permission Required Yes
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 295.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Evening
    Spring Evening

    Designed to Serve Students with advanced musical training.
    Active Date 20201105T14:51:29

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Independent Study Yes
    OEE Yes
    Class Limit 19
    Contact Hours: Independent Studies 165
    Total Contact Hours 165
    Degree Distributions:
    Restricted Elective Yes
    Course Outline
    Dependent on content.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Effectively complete a mutually agreed-upon, independent music project that conforms to given requirements.

  • MUSC 300 - Music for Educators

    5 Credits
    This course is intended to prepare general educators with strategies and skills to implement musical projects and activities into their classrooms, including the integration of music into core subject areas. A particular emphasis will be placed on strategies for using music as a vehicle for addressing matters of social justice, equity, and inclusion in diverse teaching contexts.

    Pre-requisite(s) Admission to the BAS in Teaching and Early Learning
    Program Admission Required Yes Admitted Program BAS - EDUC

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Candidates in the Bachelor of Arts in Teaching and Early Learning
    Active Date 20180309T13:30:47

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 30
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities

    Course Outline

    • The Musical Lives of Children
    • The Teacher as Musical Facilitator
    • Children’s Musical Development
    • Designing Spaces for Musicking
    • Developing Listening Skills
    • Movement and Music
    • Playing with Instruments
    • Music for Music’s Sake
    • Integration: Music and Language Arts
    • Integration: Music and Social Studies
    • Integration: Music and Math
    • Integration: Music and the Sciences
    • Integration: Music and the Visual & Performing Arts
    • Music and Creativity

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Plan and execute musical activities and projects appropriate for elementary school children

    Develop strategies for using music as a vehicle to approach matters of social justice, diversity, and inclusion

    Develop strategies for incorporating music into core subject integration projects and activities;

    Design physical classroom layouts that are safe and conducive to musical activities and movement in the classroom

    Articulate effective advocacy language that promotes the importance of musical activities in general classroom environments

    Develop basic musicianship skills necessary for leading and facilitating simple musical activities in the classroom

  • MUSC& 105 - Music Appreciation

    5 Credits
    Historical survey of the five major style periods of Western tonal music: medieval, Renaissance, baroque, classical and romantic. Develops critical listening and research skills. Introduces the basic elements, forms and styles of Western music.

    Course Note Previously MUSIC 111.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Students transferring to baccalaureate institutions and/or needing Humanities Area II distribution credits.
    Active Date 2012-09-28

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 38
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline
    Elements of music Instruments and their classifications Historical style periods: Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical and Romantic The Art of Concertgoing: Why Live Music? The Art of Music Criticism

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of Western music.

    Demonstrate active and critical listening skills.

    Demonstrate knowledge of the basic musical elements.

    Demonstrate an understanding of the historical style periods.

    Demonstrate an understanding of the social and artistic context of each style periods.

    Demonstrate proficiency in the art of concertgoing and advocacy for the arts.

  • MUSC& 121 - Ear Training 1

    2 Credits
    Learn to sight-sing basic vocal parts with correct pitches and rhythm. Train the ear to identify and notate intervals, chords and their inversions, rhythms, melodies and major/minor scales.

    Course Note Previously MUSIC 113.

    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve For music theory, instrumental, and vocal students desiring to improve their music reading skills. Required of all music theory students in MUSC& 131. Students transferring to baccalaureate institutions and/or needing Humanities Area II distribution credits.
    Active Date 2011-06-14

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 30
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Includes, but is not limited to, the following: Pitches notation: Introduction to basic notation in treble and bass clefs; naturals, sharps, flats; basic musical notation rules and conventions. Rhythm: Simple and compound meters; basic rhythmic notation. Intervals: Introduction to simple intervals (2nds, 3rds, Perfect unisons, 4ths, 5ths, and octaves). Scales: Major and minor scale constructions and key signatures. Sight-singing: Introduction to solfege and development of skills in simple keys. Aural skills: Simple tonal pattern identification in notation; basic intervallic identification. Rhythm skills: Tapping and notation of simple rhythmic patterns.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Identify melodic patterns and elementary intervals

    Sight-sing simple melodies, perform rhythms

    Demonstrate understanding of intervals, simple major and minor tonal melodies, rhythmic patterns

    Demonstrate understanding of notation, scales, intervals, and rhythm

  • MUSC& 122 - Ear Training 2

    2 Credits
    Learn to sight-sing basic vocal parts with correct pitches and rhythm. Train the ear to identify and notate intervals, chords and their inversions, rhythms, melodies and major/minor scales.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC& 121 min 2.0
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 114.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Designed to Serve Students transferring to baccalaureate institutions and/or needing Humanities Area II distribution credits. For music theory, instrumental, and vocal students desiring to improve their music reading skills. Required of all music theory students in MUSC& 132.
    Active Date 20220405T16:41:12

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 30
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Course Contents, includes but it is not limited to the following:

    • All simple intervals (2nd-7th)
    • Syncopated rhythms
    • Compound meters
    • Minor Scale key signatures, scale construction, and singing of all forms of minor scales
    • Harmonic concepts: dominant seventh chords, diminished chords, simple major progressions Alto clef

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Aural skills: Identify melodic patterns and all simple intervals

    Sight-sing intermediate level melodies, perform intermediate rhythms

    Transcribe major and minor tonal melodies, intermediate level rhythmic patterns

    Demonstrate the acquisition of cognitive skills of notation, scales, intervals, and rhythm

  • MUSC& 123 - Ear Training 3

    2 Credits
    Learn to sight-sing basic vocal parts with correct pitches and rhythm. Train the ear to identify and notate intervals, chords and their inversions, rhythms, melodies and major/minor scales.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC& 122 min 2.0
    Course Note Previously MUSIC 115.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Designed to Serve Students transferring to baccalaureate institutions and/or needing Humanities Area II distribution credits. For music theory, instrumental, and vocal students desiring to improve their music reading skills. Required of all music theory students in MUSC& 133.
    Active Date 20220405T16:41:13

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 30
    Contact Hours: Lecture 22
    Total Contact Hours 22
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II
    • Performance

    Course Outline
    Course Contents, includes but is not limited to the following:

    • Sight-sing vocal and instrumental melodies in parts
    • Sing chromatic chords, including diminished seventh chords and augmented chords
    • Simple modulating melodies and melodies that use secondary pitches
    • Tenor clef
    • Learn to hear and notate homophonic and two-part polyphonic textures
    • Advanced rhythms

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Identify melodic patterns, simple intervals, some compound intervals

    Sight-sing advanced level melodies, perform advanced rhythms

    Transcribe Major/minor melodies, advanced level rhythmic patterns

    Demonstrate acquisition of cognitive skills of notation, scales, intervals, and rhythm

  • MUSC& 131 - Music Theory 1

    3 Credits
    The first quarter of a sequential study of the fundamentals of diatonic music. Topics include elementary acoustics, musical notation, clefs, tonality, scales, modes, intervals and their inversions, triads and their inversions, simple cadential formulae and first species of 16th century counterpoint.

    Course Note Ability to read music in both treble and bass clefs is essential. Concurrent enrollment in MUSC& 121 is strongly recommended until student can pass sight-singing proficiency exam. Previously MUSIC 101.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Designed to Serve Students transferring to baccalaureate institutions and/or needing Humanities Area II distribution credits. The music major or music minor as well as any student with a stronger than average interest in music.
    Active Date 20220405T16:41:13

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 30
    Contact Hours: Lecture 33
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline
    • Elementary acoustics and the fundamentals of music.
    • Musical Notation Scales, modes, and the Western system of tonality
    • Intervals and their inversions
    • Tertian harmony: triads and their inversion
    • Simple cadential formulae
    • First Species of 16th Century Counterpoint

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate proficiency with the notational practices of Western tonal music.

    Demonstrate proficiency with the structural elements of the Western system of tonality.

    Write and/or identify all pitch class intervals and their inversions.

    Write and/or identify the four types of triads and their inversions.

    Write and/or identify simple cadential formulae.

    Write and analyze First Species 16th Century Counterpoint

  • MUSC& 132 - Music Theory 2

    3 Credits
    The second quarter of a sequential study of the fundamentals of diatonic music. Topics include principles of melodic and rhythmic organization, texture, seventh chords and secondary dominants, nonharmonic tones, principles of part writing, voice leading, and harmonic progressions, and second and third species of 16th century counterpoint.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC& 131 min 2.0
    Course Note Concurrent enrollment in MUSC& 122 is strongly recommended until student can pass sight-singing proficiency exam. Previously MUSIC 102.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Designed to Serve Students transferring to baccalaureate institutions and/or needing Humanities Area II distribution credits. The music major or music minor as well as any student with a stronger than average interest in music.
    Active Date 20220405T16:41:14

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 30
    Contact Hours: Lecture 33
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline
    • Principles of melodic organization
    • Principles of rhythmic organization
    • Dominant seventh chords and their inversions
    • Secondary dominants and their inversions
    • Textures: monophonic, homophonic, and polyphonic
    • Non-harmonic tones
    • Fundamentals of 18th Century part-writing and voice-leading 18th
    • Century Harmonic progressions
    • Second and Third Species of 16th Century Counterpoint

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate proficiency with the principles of melodic organization.

    Demonstrate proficiency with the principles of rhythmic organization.

    Write and/or identify dominant sevenths and their inversions.

    Write and/or identify secondary dominants and their inversion.

    Write and/or identify simple harmonic progressions.

    Write and/or identify non-harmonic tones.

    Demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of elementary 18th Century part-writing and voice leading.

    Demonstrate the basic principles of Second and Third Species of 16th Century Counterpoint.

  • MUSC& 133 - Music Theory 3

    3 Credits
    The third quarter of a sequential study of the fundamentals of diatonic music. Topics include diatonic seventh chords, secondary dominants, augmented sixth chords, Neapolitan sixth chords, nonharmonic tones, advanced part writing and voice leading, modulation and simple part forms, and fourth and fifth species of 16th century counterpoint.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC& 132 min 2.0
    Course Note Concurrent enrollment in MUSC& 123 is strongly recommended until student can pass sight-singing proficiency exam. Previously MUSIC 103.

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Fall Day
    Designed to Serve Students transferring to baccalaureate institutions and/or needing Humanities Area II distribution credits. The music major or music minor as well as any student with a stronger than average interest in music.
    Active Date 20220405T16:41:14

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 30
    Contact Hours: Lecture 33
    Total Contact Hours 33
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline
    • Non-harmonic tones
    • Dominant seventh chords and other diatonic seventh chords
    • Secondary dominants
    • Augmented sixth chords and Neapolitan sixths Modulation
    • Advanced 18th Century part-writing and voice leading
    • Simple part forms: binary forms, ternary forms
    • Fourth and Fifth Species of 16th Century Counterpoint

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate proficiency with the use of dominant sevenths in all inversions.

    Demonstrate proficiency with the use of secondary dominants in all inversions.

    Write and/or identify diatonic seventh chords and their inversions.

    Write and/or identify the augmented sixth chords.

    Write and/or identify the Neapolitan sixth chord.

    Write and/or identify non-harmonic tones.

    Demonstrate understanding of advanced principles of 18th Century part-writing and voice leading.

    Identify simple part forms.

    Demonstrate Mastery of Fourth and Fifth Species of 16th Century Counterpoint


    5 Credits
    The first quarter of a sequential study of the fundamentals of diatonic music. Topics include musical notation, clefs, tonality, scales, modes, intervals and their inversions, triads and their inversions, simple cadential formulae, and First Species of 16th Century Counterpoint. Sight-sing basic vocal parts with correct pitch and rhythm. Train the ear to identify and notate intervals, chords and their inversions, rhythms, melodies, and major/minor scales.


    Quarters Typically Offered

    Designed to Serve Students transferring to baccalaureate institutions and/or needing Humanities Area II distribution credits. The music major or music minor as well as any student with a stronger than average interest in music.
    Active Date 2016-06-13

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 30
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline
    Fundamentals of music.
    Musical Notation
    Scales, modes, and the Western system of tonality
    Intervals and their inversions
    Tertian harmony: triads and their inversion
    Simple cadential formulae
    First Species of 16th Century Counterpoint
    Pitches notation: Introduction to basic notation in treble and bass clefs; naturals, sharps, flats; basic musical notation
    rules and conventions.
    Rhythm: Simple and compound meters; basic rhythmic notation.
    Intervals: Introduction to simple intervals (2nds, 3rds, Perfect unisons, 4ths, 5ths, and octaves).
    Scales: Major and minor scale constructions and key signatures.
    Sight-singing: Introduction to solfege and development of skills in simple keys.
    Aural skills: Simple tonal pattern identification in notation; basic intervallic identification.
    Rhythm skills: Tapping and notation of simple rhythmic patterns.

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Demonstrate proficiency with the notational practices of Western tonal music.

    Demonstrate proficiency with the structural elements of the Western system of tonality.

    Write and/or identify all pitch class intervals and their inversions.

    Write and/or identify the four types of triads and their inversions.

    Write and/or identify simple cadential formulae.

    Write and analyze First Species 16th Century Counterpoint

    Sight-sing simple melodies, perform rhythms

    Transcribe Intervals, simple major and minor tonal melodies, rhythmic patterns

  • MUSC& 142 - Music Theory II

    5 Credits
    The second quarter of a sequential study of the fundamentals of diatonic music. Topics include principles of melodic and rhythmic organization, texture, seventh chords and secondary dominants, non-harmonic tones, principles of 18th Century part-writing, voice leading and harmonic progressions and Second and Third Species of 16th Century Counterpoint. Sight-sing basic vocal parts with correct pitch and rhythm. Train the ear to identify and notate intervals, chords and their inversions, rhythms, melodies, and major/minor scales.

    Pre-requisite(s) MUSC& 141 min 2.0

    Quarters Typically Offered
    Designed to Serve Students transferring to baccalaureate institutions and/or needing Humanities Area II distribution credits. The music major or music minor as well as any student with a stronger than average interest in music.
    Active Date 20220405T16:41:15

    Grading Basis Decimal Grade
    Class Limit 30
    Contact Hours: Lecture 55
    Total Contact Hours 55
    Degree Distributions:
    • Humanities Area II

    Course Outline

    • THEORY
      • Principles of melodic and rhythmic organization
      • Dominant seventh chords and their inversions
      • Secondary dominants and their inversions
      • Textures: monophonic, homophonic, and polyphonic
      • Non-harmonic tones
      • Fundamentals of 18th Century part-writing, voice-leading, and harmonic progressions
      • 16th Century Counterpoint
      • All simple intervals (2nd-7th)
      • Syncopated rhythms and compound meters
      • Minor scale key signatures and construction, and singing of all forms of minor scales
      • Harmonic concepts: dominant seventh chords, diminished chords, simple major progressions

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Student will be able to demonstrate proficiency with the principles of melodic and rhythmic organization.

    Student will be able to identify dominant sevenths, secondary dominants, and their inversions.

    Student will be able to build dominant sevenths, secondary dominants, and their inversions.


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