Feb 19, 2025  
2023-24 Catalog 
2023-24 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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BIOL& 213 - Majors Plant

5 Credits
This course covers the major concepts in evolution such as natural selection and speciation, as well as an overview of ecology and botany.

Pre-requisite(s) Math 98 with a min 2.0 or Math 141 placement eligibility, and BIOL& 211 min 1.7, and CHEM& 161 or higher min 2.0.
Placement Eligibility Math 141
Course Note Previously BIOL 203

Quarters Typically Offered
Summer Day
Spring Day, Evening

Designed to Serve Biology majors, botany majors, liberal arts students.
Active Date 20210403T10:07:51

Grading Basis Decimal Grade
Class Limit 24
Shared Learning Environment Yes
Contact Hours: Lecture 44 Lab 22
Total Contact Hours 66
Degree Distributions:
  • Science
  • Science Lab

Course Outline

  • Plants
    • Structure
    • Transport
    • Nutrition
    • Reproduction
  • Ecology
    • Populations
    • Communities
    • Ecosystems
    • Behavioral
  • Evolution
    • Natural Selection and Speciation
    • Genetic Basis
    • Life’s Origins
    • Fossil Record
    • Human Evolution

Student Learning Outcomes
Describe how genetics and evolutionary processes interact to create all forms of biodiversity.

Perform, and accurately interpret the results of, evolutionary analyses, such as cladograms, using data from living organisms and the fossil record.

Describe how plants evolved, specifically the functioning of their anatomy, reproduction, physiology and the role they play in ecosystem processes.

Identify the most common plants found in the Puget Sound Bioregion.

Describe the fundamentals of population and community ecology and how the various levels of organization within ecology interact with each other.

Demonstrate the ability to conduct scientific research by designing scientific studies (observational or experimental), keeping a scientific journal, collect scientific data and writing a scientific report.

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