Feb 10, 2025  
2023-24 Catalog 
2023-24 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ECED& 107 - Health, Safety and Nutrition

5 Credits
Introduction to implementation of equitable health, safety and nutrition standards for the growing child in group care. Focus on federal Child Care Block Grant funding (CCDF) requirements, WA state licensing and Head Start Performance standards. Develop skills necessary to keep children healthy & safe, report abuse & neglect, and connect families to community resources.


Quarters Typically Offered
Summer Evening, Online
Fall Online
Winter Online
Spring Online

Designed to Serve Professional-technical students in early childhood education or paraeducation, and current practitioners. Transfer students as emphasis area credit.
Active Date 20190709T10:50:36

Grading Basis Decimal Grade
Class Limit 36
Shared Learning Environment Yes
Contact Hours: Lecture 55
Total Contact Hours 55
Degree Distributions:
ProfTech Course Yes
Restricted Elective Yes
Course Outline
I. Social determinants of health.

II. Partnering with families.

III. Illness prevention.

IV. Safety in a childcare setting.

V. First aid.

VI. Food service.

VII. Child abuse and neglect.

VIII. Creating educational materials for learners and families.

Student Learning Outcomes
Describe federal and state-mandated health, safety, and nutrition practices.
V. Health, Safety, & Nutrition
Knowledge of Regulations
   1.d Follows regulations regarding health and safety
   4.b Articulates and adheres to laws pertaining to children and families

Identify indicators of illnesses/ infectious diseases and steps to prevent the spread of them.
V. Health, Safety, & Nutrition
Responding to Health Needs of Children
   1.g Demonstrates knowledge of basic childhood illnesses
   2.b Communicates effectively to parents policies regarding appropriate clothing requirements for weather conditions
   3.a Designs and assesses sanitary environments insides and outside

Outline safety procedures for providing emergency care and daily care.
V. Health, Safety, & Nutrition
Knowledge of Regulations  
  2.d Implements procedures for fires and other emergencies, including safety procedures for children with disabilities

Verbalizes (and adheres to) emergency, illness, and injury procedures.

Environmental Safety
2. a. Describes (and maintains) a safe environment, including equipment and toys, to prevent and reduce injuries.
Responding to Health Needs of Children- Nutrition
   1.e Recognize health hazards in meals (choking, allergies, etc.)

Evaluate program safety policies.
V. Health, Safety, & Nutrition- Knowledge of Regulations
   1.f Assists in self-assessments of facility for licensing and accreditation 3.a Verbalize and adheres to emergency, illness and injury procedures
V. Environmental Safety
  1.e Recognizes adult supervision is the best prevention against injuries
   2.b Adapts the indoor and outdoor environments to maximize the independence of children with special needs  
    3.b Assures that all equipment, furniture, and materials are the appropriate size and type for the ages and developmental abilities of children in care

Describe food programs and practices that support the development of children.
V. Health, Safety, Nutrition - Nutrition
     1.h Understand the difference between family style meals and non-family style meals
     1.g Recognizes that food should not be used to reward or punish children
     2.d Demonstrate awareness of basic daily nutritional guidelines
     3.b Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate portion-sizes for children at each stage of development
    3.f Teaches and models good nutrition
   4.a Assesses program’s nutritional plan and adapts practices accordingly
   5.a Articulates applies, analyzes, and evaluates current theory, research, and policy on nutrition

Create examples of developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive health, safety, and nutrition education materials and activities.
II. Curriculum & Learning
Physical Development
  2.g Plans activities that integrate physical development with the arts and all curriculum areas
V. Health, Safety, & Nutrition
 Environmental Safety
   2.d Teaches simple safety precautions and rules to children and enforces safety rules consistently
 Responding to Health Needs of Children
   2.h Recognizes children’s interest in bodies and integrates interest into curriculum
   3.f Designs and implements curriculum activities emphasizing healthy bodies, healthy lifestyles and a healthy environment

Describe the responsibilities of mandated reporters.
V. Health, Safety, & Nutrition
Knowledge of Regulations
  1.h Explains and performs the mandated reporter role for child abuse and neglect
Responding to Health Needs of Children
  2.g Identifies, documents, and reports suspected emotional distress, abuse and neglect of children in an immediate and appropriate way

Develop strategies for working with culturally, linguistically, and ability diverse families in accessing health, nutritional, and dental services.
IV. Family & Community Partnerships
Community Resources
   2.a Identifies community agencies providing assistance for infants, toddlers and families
   3.a Provides families with appropriate community resource information when needed
V. Health, Safety, Nutrition
-Responding to Health Needs of Children
    3.c Talks with and provides resource information to families about health
   2.b  Communicates with families about the food children need and prefer
3.g Share information with families about infants’ and toddlers ability to self-regulate their food intake

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