Dec 14, 2024
ABE 35 - High School English 15 Credits High School English 1 provides a college-level academic atmosphere to develop academic reading and writing skills. Learners build a foundation for high school and post-secondary academic work. The course emphasizes non-fiction reading and evidence-based writing. Students integrate technology into project-based learning assignments to solve real-world problems. This course is equivalent to a 9th grade high school English course and fulfills the requirement for one high school English credit.
Instructor Permission Required Yes Fees
Quarters Typically Offered Designed to Serve HS21+ students working to complete a high school diploma Active Date 20180606T08:01:13
Grading Basis Decimal Grade OEE Yes Class Limit 30 Shared Learning Environment Yes Contact Hours: Lecture 55 Total Contact Hours 55 Degree Distributions: Course Outline
- Study skills of top students
- Online learning skills and tools
- Writing conventions of Standard English
- Reading Apprenticeship
- Writing in response to reading
- Campus Resource Project
Student Learning Outcomes Engage in formal and informal writing tasks using standard conventions and clear syntax appropriate for academic English
Develop ideas and content with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples
Create, evaluate and revise writing using established criteria and rubrics
Craft logical inferences based on close reading of text
Support conclusions drawn from text with specific textual evidence
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