Mar 14, 2025
BSTEC 115 - Keyboarding Speed and Accuracy3 Credits Touch keyboarding on the letter and numeric keyboard. Students will be able to use the keyboard more accurately and at a rate of speed over their baseline accuracy and speed.
Instructor Permission Required Yes Course Note Instructor permission will be granted if student types a minimum of 30 words per minute (wpm) by touch using correct ergonomic technique. FeesCF
Quarters Typically Offered Summer Day, Online Fall Day, Online Winter Day, Online Spring Day, Online
Designed to Serve Students who desire to increase their keyboarding speed and/or accuracy rates. Active Date 20190611T16:57:49
Grading Basis Decimal Grade Variable Credit Yes Range 1-3 OEE Yes Class Limit 30 Shared Learning Environment Yes Contact Hours: Lecture 33 Lab 0 Field Studies 0 Clinical 0 Independent Studies 0 Total Contact Hours 33 Degree Distributions: ProfTech Course Yes Restricted Elective Yes Course Outline - Review alphabetic and numeric keys by touch on the computer.
- Develop keyboarding speed and accuracy through appropriate drills.
Student Learning Outcomes Students will demonstrate increased keyboarding speed and accuracy over baseline accuracy.
Students will demonstrate proper ergonomics and keyboarding technique while keyboarding by touch.
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