BSTEC 112 - Professional Document Formatting3 Credits Use Microsoft Word to format, proofread, and edit professional business documents such as reports, tables, meeting & event materials, and business letters.
Course Note Recommended touch keyboarding experience. FeesCF
Quarters Typically Offered Summer Day, Online Fall Day, Online Winter Day, Online Spring Day, Online
Designed to Serve Students who need to create professional business documents. Active Date 20201208T18:00:03
Grading Basis Decimal Grade Variable Credit Yes Range 1-3 OEE Yes Class Limit 30 Shared Learning Environment Yes Contact Hours: Lecture 33 Total Contact Hours 33 Degree Distributions: ProfTech Course Yes Restricted Elective Yes Course Outline - Basic Microsoft Word concepts
- Businses Letters
- Memos
- Proofreader’s Marks
- Tables
- Business Reports
- Beginning Mail Merge
- Itineraries
- Agendas, Minutes, and News Releases
- Outlines
- Business Flyers
- Beginning Resumes and Cover Letters
Student Learning Outcomes Students will use Microsoft Word to accurately create business documents following professional industry standards.
Students will properly create and edit Business Letters, Envelopes, Reports and Tables.
Students will properly create and edit accessible documents using Microsoft word.
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